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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Reminds me of the old poacher that got me into ferreting 30 odd yrs ago they were great characters the boys of old loved the video
  2. Good going mate and great post well done
  3. nice bag for a couple of hours mate well done
  4. Done the same we went out lamping with the rifle on monday night got 19 and most of them were full of young so i think the the ferreting gear might have to be hung back up for this season and continue with the rimfire
  5. Always feed the ferrets at night there is always plenty of food in the court and quite often still some rabbit etc left in the morning box them up and they work fine never had any problems doing it this way personaly i think this starving idea is a big mistake
  6. The pic of the frosty barbed wire fence is a brilliant photo Well done on a good bag of rabbits and great post
  7. Well done there a nice haul of bunnies
  8. Always have made my own that way i make the nets to the spec that suits me there are net makers on this site (look at top of home page) that sell well made nets at a good price if you don't want to make your own What ever you decide to do mate don't buy them cheap cr*p bisley 4oz nylon things they are cheap for a reason and that's cos there rubbish GOOD LUCK WITH THE FERRETING MATE
  9. Totaly agree always be as quiet as poss when netting up makes a big difference
  10. Any of the bright coloured poly i like but dayglo orange is proberly my favourite
  11. Nice well looked after ferrets mate
  12. Rain don't seem to make any difference mate but i have noticed as stroller said in strong winds rabbits can be reluctant to bolt also when the doe's are pregnant they don't seem to want to bolt
  13. We have some permission like that it's more like mountinering than ferreting lol well done brimmer great post
  14. BRILLIANT well done to you and your boys its lads like them that are the future of our sport
  15. Never had an alergy to penicillin with any of mine mate but i suppose some ferrets can be allergic to penicillin as some humans are Hope the ferret recovers ok
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