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max abell

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Everything posted by max abell

  1. Hi pigeon Phil if your reading this can you contact me please. if anyone knows pigeon Phil that lives in Brighton East Sussex can you ask him to message me thanks
  2. Nice couple of stews or a pie there well done mate
  3. What’s the preferred mesh size on your longnets?? Some prefer 2 and eighth others 2 and quarter
  4. It took us years to get all the permissions we have got and we are lucky enough to have thousands of acres of land to hunt and shoot rabbits among other things. we got them from good word of mouth and building up a trust with the landowners this doesn’t happen overnight it takes a long time, so like me the members are not just goi g to give their permissions away to others like yourself. As you say your a beginner it would be better for you to see if a local ferreted to you will let you tag on with them for a couple of trips to learn the ropes, then start knocking some doors ie farms, horse st
  5. I only use poly these days but 10z nylon are a good net as well 4z nylon bloody awful things
  6. We are lucky enough to have thousands of acres of permissions from big shooting estates to cricket grounds horse liverys and a lot of national trust land but it didn't happen over night it took years of gaining land owners trust and by word of mouth. I also have few mates that are gamekeepers on big estates that give me all the rabbiting I'll ever need but as said it's about doing a good job and more importantly trust. You get a lot of people that get a bit of permission and are asked not to do a certain thing i.e. Leave the hares alone etc but as soon as the landowners back is turned they are
  7. I normally keep about 10 to 12 ferrets in a big court they are all reasonably good workers some better than others but 5 of them are exceptionaly good workers these Kitts mum a silver and my gamekeeper mates sandy hob are 2 great workers. We Always breed best to best and try and keep a good bloodline but as anyone knows it's not always a guarantee. Have had some good uns over the 40yrs ferreting but had my fair share of not so good uns as well. If I could bring some of my best ever workers back from that big rabbit warren in the sky I'd be a very happy man. I'm sure we all have certain ferret
  8. Forgot to mention I'm from Brighton East Sussex
  9. I have one polecat hob and one silver hob nearly 9 weeks old handled from birth very friendly and from good working stock free to good home only
  10. Thanks so much for the kind offer pm sent The grandson will be chuffed as meatballs walking round like john wayne
  11. Thanks so much for the kind offer pm sent. The grandson will be chuffed as meatballs now. And walking round like john Wayne 

  12. Been looking for a small cartridge bag for my grandson to use with his o/u 410 Iv got loads decent good quality biggish bags but they are far to big and look a bit daft on the grandson with a couple of boxes of 410 cartridges in. Iv hunted everywhere to find a small bag with no success I would rather a bag than a cartridge belt and I don't really want him carrying cartridges in his pockets. Anyone any ideas where I can but a small bag??? Thanks
  13. Jesus You got this LITTLE fella a couple of weeks ago how big is one of the BIG fellas then?? Great pics on the ferreting by the way mate!!
  14. As people have said any ferret will work but when you come across them hard to find excellent working strains they are like gold dust. Iv had hundreds of ferrets over many years and proberbly 10 stick in my mind as exceptional these have long gone to that big warren in the sky of old age. Would I pay £50 each to have these workers back?? Bloody sure I would with no hesitation.
  15. As said Iv got a quite a big ferret court with loads of various colour pipes and never paid a penny for it. Got most of it from asking at building sites and looking in skips etc. The colour varies but black yellow and orange seem to be the most common
  16. I have now taken the grandson to the local club and the kid has given the kofs 410 a good go at clays used 3" no 8s. I had a few shots myself and Iv got to admit I'm very impressed by the handling and quality of this budget priced kofs it shoots lovely. Iv got a 20 bore Beretta silver pigeon and I hate to admit it but this kofs handled and came up to eye equally as good. We will have to see how a few winters in the field has any effect on the build quality of the kofs. But as it stands I like the little kofs 410 a lot
  17. Iv got fixed and multi choke guns and always use 1/4 and 1/2 choke in all the multi choke ones and my fixed choke ones are as above. I think the single webley bolt action 410 is fixed full choke. Use 6 and 5 shot for most quarry this combo has done me ok for 40 odd years of shooting
  18. Just bought a o/u 410 kofs for the grandson anybody had any dealing with the kofs shotguns? Was told they are the best reasonable priced thing since sliced bread by the dealer but then he would say that. It seems fine just wondered anyone got any opinions on kofs??
  19. Yeah as vin said the videos are always great to watch keep em coming
  20. Nice post mate glad your girls enjoyed it. I took my niece ferreting when she was about 10 she's now 30 got 2 girls of her own still ferrets with us and got her own pest control business so she was well and truly hooked after that 1st ferreting trip maybe one of yer girls will be a permanent ferreting partner
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