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Everything posted by Cotswold

  1. Off course it's ginger, you're in Sweatyland. Does it smell of piss? Only joking, like. ATB, Cotswold (Hey, somebody was going to say it and it's not like me getting there first)
  2. Cotswold


    No, Kayno, Oxford is the capital of Oxfordshire - the bit to the left of Buckinghamshire. It's a major university town, lots of really nice architecture if that floats your boat. Jericho and down to the river is nice for a wander. If you're into books (but not really sporting stuff), then you're laughing, Blackwells etc. Stacks of decent pubs, especially for proper ale. A bit minging around the city centre/Carfax, loads of drunks and homeless types. This time of year the students will be disappearing to be replaced with millions of tourists - stacks of Yanks and Japs especially. Have he
  3. Hi Frank, What's the thinking behind not feeding complete and meat together? ATB, Cotswold
  4. I have never known a year like it for rats. Normally I'll get a few under the poultry houses over the winter but they'll be back in the fields by spring. This year we're over-run with the sods. I have hoppers down all year with Neosorexa Gold and that generally keeps the problem well under control. But this year there are at least 3 nests on my patch and one next door. Two of the one's on mine can be accessed if I move some shed panels - that's the plan for tomorrow, if we don't go to Pont ar Elan show. I'm wondering if these ones are getting some sort of immunity to the bait? I read
  5. Yup, and I've got a week off from people who have far more intelligence than some on here. And I work with lots of SEN pupils! BNP, um another trigraph rather like SEN. Look at the facial features of a lot of SEN pupils, and then look at the BNPs finest. What a coincidence.
  6. Yup, and let's face it, there has never been an all white rapist, has there? He would probably been able to manage spelling and punctuation far better? You lot are deluding yourselves so very much and making yourselves look about the same standard as the BNP dickheads. But.........you can tell that it's half-term, can't you?
  7. Most of them were not old enough to be able to know what went on in the Thatcher era - I'm no fan of her, but it wasn't one sided, was it? I asked them about the Rebecca riots and they didn't have a clue. Welsh nationalists one minute, followers of the bug-eyed BNP poof the next. Maybe grow-up, get a job and contribute to this country that you claim to be so proud of, but be content to live of its benefits - much like the 'foreigners' that you condemn, you lowlife, chav scum.
  8. BNP = uneducated, illiterate scumbags. Do you really think that they could organise a village fete, let alone run a country? Most immigrants have better written English skills than a lot of you wannabe Stormtroopers. I asked the same question some months ago regarding what have you done for this country. My question back then was prompted by some Welsh blokes who I had met on the march in 1998. I met these lads on the march, we got on, exchanged numbers etc, and subsequently had sport together on each others patches for quite a few years. Some of these lads were a bit younger than me (
  9. Cotswold


    Main main, I'm not far from you and love a drop of jake. What's it like; dry or sweet, pukka cider apples? Anything like Minchins or Tilly's? Cotswold
  10. The battery on my 110 went completely flat. Charged it up, stuck it back in and when I connected it up the battery indicator light on the dash came on before I even put the key in. When I turned the key that light went out and the others came on. Weirdly I had used the tow hitch just before, but had started it OK after disconnecting. Any ideas? Knackered battery, or something worse?
  11. For the table birds you don't need anything fancy - you don't even need perches. One of my best houses is a 6x4 shed that I got cheap 'cos it was a bit battered. If you ask around at places like that you can often get a bargain and then add the necessary bits for next to nothing. For my small runs that I keep the silkies and banti's in I use half rails as a base/frame and then use plastic water pipe to form hoops, then attach the wire with cable ties. The house bit will be knocked up out of scrap timber/pallets/what have you. It is surprising what you can achieve out of not very much!
  12. Cotswold


    Bloke next door got one last year, ex-commercial, fairly high mileage IIRC but well maintained, and he reckons it's the best he's had. He does a 40 mile commute to work in it and reckons it is favourable on fuel (and he's very heavy footed!). He had a pro job done with built-in double tier dog cages and it looks good. He tows a caravan with it at weekends and reckons that fuel consumption is equivalent to their Volvo 940 estate. Only downside, as far as I see, is that it is a fairly vile vomit yellow, but as he says, it makes it easy to spot in large car parks. Each to his own.
  13. We've got Ixworths, which are a post-war utility strain i.e good for eggs and meat. Only got those 'cos a guy round here breeds them. Before that had all sorts, but reckon that out of the commercial types Sasso are the best. Cyril Bason web site is good, and I think they will deliver to Cheshire.
  14. When you read about the complete cock-up it will make you even madder - you can't just blame the social workers; they were the only ones who turned up for case meetings - the lawyer, doctors and police didn't bother, so no decisions could be made. Christ, read pages 12 and 13 of today's Telegraph and you'll be spitting out your teeth. Remember Victoria Climbie and Lord Laming's report and the subsequent 'Safeguarding Children - Every Child Matters' agenda that was meant to stop this ever happening again? We have got a terminally sick society and I hate to think when the next case like th
  15. I used heavy-duty garage floor paint from Screwfix for the floor and carried in on about a third of the way up the walls in case one of the dogs has a swamp in the kennel. This has lasted for 2 years and is still sealed although I will probably refresh it all this summer. Incidentally, I made the floor out of sections of an old coal bunker which is really hard concrete and probably could have gone without sealing.
  16. Not had cherry poteen, but have tried poteen mixed with Seven Up, which was then left for a few months before drinking; think that they called it Mountain Dew. Bit sweet for me, but better than the raw stuff - that takes the lining off the back of your eyeballs. Guess that the cherry would be like the cherry slivovitz in the Balkans which is excellent.
  17. Stacks of St George's around here, been picking them since the weekend before St George's day.
  18. gnash, OK by serve I should have said 'done anything for'. And, yes, life is too short. ATB, Cotswold
  19. Spot on, mate. The guys homecoming parade that was 'disrupted' in Luton by a very small bunch of people and that was over-publicised by the gutter press, who got the reaction that they needed. The Lancers (obviously all homo's, by the way, ) paraded today withpout incident. Hopefully the debacle from the anti-war people earlier this week reminded them of the stupidity/futility of what they did. That sounds like an outbreak of common-sense. I've worked for the machine, and there are a lot of things that I regret, but I know that people would be better placed fearing this government ra
  20. ESS, That's an interesting and succinct response. People contribute to the greater good in all manner of ways, that was my CV and I'm not saying that it is any better or more valid than anyone elses. I have the utmost respect for anyone who works in the front line of the NHS. The guys who empty the bins and sweep the streets are just as important. We're all necessary cogs in the machine. Regarding what you say about the intrusion of the state is spot on and that is probably the biggest threat that we are faced with. Regarding the speed of change do you think that it is any grea
  21. Raspberry gin is good. I hate whisky with a vengeance, but blackberry whisky, especially if you go heavy on the berries, is superb. ATB, Cotswold
  22. Charlpolski, I've sent you a PM. ATB, Cotswold
  23. Yep, mate, didn't read properly. Have seen site that you said and get what you are on about! Whatever you think we are genuine; my missus is liable to be mobilised whenever (soon) and I am going voluntarily during the summer. ATB' Cotswold
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