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Everything posted by festa

  1. or Tony Has Left ....the building atb gary
  2. about time you got yourself a gun steve .... atb gary
  3. cracking shooting and write up there mate im defo not working next weekend ive not been out now for 6 weeks .... atb gary
  4. its for charity !!! atb gary
  5. its a cracking bit of kit crystal clear bill im sure you'll like it mate atb gary
  6. you know when you buy a pair of glasses you normally get a little bit of cloth with them thats what i use atb gary
  7. how do buddy where you been hiding ?? i know keeping all the boys happy at work lol theres 2 meets this year one in june at si's place and one in april AAOC meeting at furnace mill atb gary
  8. hi phil to be honest im tempted just to keep polishing it lol the steel work is coming up a treat you can still see some pit marks but im hoping they will as i polish it hehehhe dont tell everyone tony mind i could of had fun with all them balloons lol atb gary
  9. her girlie arms cant handle the weight mate lol gary
  10. shes not happy lol bill cos its MINE!!!!lol gary
  11. cheers si looking forward to getting out again ... ps ive pm'd and text you my new number mate atb gary
  12. hi lads well the scopecam didnt go well ive not used the cam for a while batteries flat lol so ill do it next time here's a pic i took of the 15 pellet grouping 1 was off but after a few clicks the other 14 went through the same hole happy so far atb gary
  13. h thanks for the replies lads bill can you read my mind lol ....daz you know how good target guns work as hunting guns the s200 is a bottom end of the market target gun and it shoots mighty fine in the field now i have a top end target gun should be interesting to see the results with regards to the comps i dont want to win i just want to beat shannon lol si mate yes please ill pm you buddy ... gonna do some scopecam footage just grouping at 15 mtrs just to see what its like atb gary
  14. cheers guys im looking forward to putting it through its paces gonna go back to basic's 1st a few session down the range is in order darryl recon's im mad but we'll see it defo needs a twink fitted though lol its gonna be used in the field as well as hft (got to get a glove for that) lol atb gary
  15. hi mac since getting it working ive only been in the garden [bANNED TEXT] which is only about 15mtrs and its pellet on pellet im gonna try and get out with it sometime through the week and give it a good go atb gary
  16. good to see youve not lost ur touch lads atb gary
  17. well ive been away for a while to be honest i just got pissed off with all the crap on here so a break was needed .... anyhow a few things have changed (pity about the weather) me and wor kid have not really been out much we had a couple of days out with the ferrets but other than that we've not been out last week i got rid of the hw100 and became the owner of an air arms evo2 the evos was in a pretty sorry state it was a mk2 steel barrel and cylinder the numpty who had it kept it in his garage COCKED for 8 months so the steel work is all pitted and the gun was completely seized ive spe
  18. were in jarrow mate and we have to travel across to cumbria or south to catterick the farmers around here just wont entertain us atb gary
  19. all the very best lads n lasses dont drink to much and be kind tomorrow give the little critters a day off atb gary
  20. good luck to him hope it all turns out good for him atb gary
  21. we got to about 3-4 ft and stepped it so we had a platform down to the other 3 ft atb gary
  22. good times with a bit of shooting thrown in for good measures ...this is what we got up to atb gary
  23. i forgot to add this little vid lol atb gary
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