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Everything posted by festa

  1. are they not just RWS Superdomes rebranded and lubed? and DOUBLE IN PRICE !! atb gary
  2. nice shooting mooch them hw100 defo do the bizz nice looking harris as well buddy atb gary
  3. it works !! BUT crono after use lol if your gun is already very close the the limit lubing the pellets can push it over my s10 sits at 11.5 with lubed pellets it goes to 11.8 but it defo well worth doing atb gary
  4. i put them on my 510 mate 4mm drill bit hold the qd stud next to the drill and mark the depth on the drill bit with a bit of tape drill the stock screw the qd's in job done atb gary
  5. eyes missing from dead animals could be crows...magpies...jackdaws most of the corvid family will peck out the eyes .... were there any other injurys to the rabbits any sign of pellets teeth marks ?? ...2 dead rabbits next to each other isnt normal unless they were put there could it of been a fox ? if its had 2 kills but then been spooked (if its next to a path people walking by) it could be anything really best thing you can do is just keep an extra eye when your out mate ... atb gary
  6. you said that last weekend lol i was back up there today checking the traps but no bunnies were about mind i sat for a good hour watching a red kite (may be thats why mr bunny didnt want to play ) atb gary
  7. nah he wont want to miss church atb gary
  8. lol i thought about that BUT you can see the date the gun and all 5 bunnies lol wor kids wants a new rule for the next 1 ,,, only quarry shot between friday and monday count lol :whistling: atb gary
  9. that beats wor kids bargin of the year !!! nice one mate atb gary
  10. hi lads my mother has a caravan just so happens to be on 1 of our permissions (i wonder how we got that ) thanks mummy lol anyhow they have a bit of a problem with moles and part of the deal we have with most of our permissions is if they get a pest problem and if i can help them i get the job done (just a litte thanks) from us this afternoon the sun was shining and as i put the mole traps in place i noticed a few bunnies playing out so i thought it would be rude not to ,,,sorry about the pic my phone camera isnt that good (so wor kid keeps telling me lol) atb gary
  11. what a total toss pot .... and opinions are like arse holes "everyone has one where have i heard that before hmmm lol brought back a few memories there si mate ..... atb gary
  12. ah mate it make ur gun heavier .... atb gary
  13. this happened buddy ] http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/174688-its-cold-and-wet-up-north/ atb gary
  14. as soon as i got home bud it was stripped dried out and re-lubed atb gary
  15. thing is davy i reguard (as many do )as a trusted member and i cant see no reason to doubt you buddy so if you say 50 then 50 it is and sod the rest atb gary
  16. hi lads well not to be out done by them southern softies we also decided to head out last night wind,,rain,,and bloody cold forcast said all the crappy weather would die off by 22.00 so we set off and hit the ground at 00:30 and guess what the weatherman got it wrong again after a quick check zero and a quick radio check we headed off wor kid headed up towards the embankment and i went up to the big field wondering to myself we must be mad lol but there was noway them lads from down south were having all the fun anyhow even in the crappy conditions we still managed a few and by 03:30 we we
  17. its all in a night fun and at the end of the day (it gets dark) ... we didnt jinx you southern softies we had the same conditions up here ... atb gary
  18. well hard core snorers may be but not sure about the hunter bit like!!!! us northerners are just off out not -2 forcast with wind from 15 mph gusting 35-40 and its just started raining but there's a comp on you know lol atb gary ps we cant do live update COS WE DONT HAVE TIME we go out to hunt not play with our phones ~~~~!!!!
  19. well hard core snorers may be but not sure about the hunter bit like!!!! us northerners are just off out not -2 forcast with wind from 15 mph gusting 35-40 and its just started raining but there's a comp on you know lol atb gary ps we cant do live update COS WE DONT HAVE TIME we go out to hunt not play with our phones ~~~~!!!!
  20. nice shooting there buddy is that a hare ?? looks like its got massive legs atb gary
  21. wor kid got 1 for his hw 100 from adi and wow what a difference the new 1 is not even half the weight of the standard and extra shots result !!! atb gary
  22. anymore talk like that u soft southern numpty and you'll be picking ur window !!!!! ps good luck buddy atb gary
  23. what a total bag of shit .... si dont stop what you enjoy doing and what we enjoy watching bud just cos some arsehole are jealous that you have the expertise in your field at least people learn a thing or two from you vid's unlike some of the other shite thats on there keep it up buddy atb gary
  24. AGREED ITS DAVY'S FAULT atb gary
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