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Everything posted by festa

  1. lol just the op on my eye next friday [bANNED TEXT] we come down mate then ill be like all the other leftys for the weekend lol atb gary
  2. is that to keep the fire burning lol atb gary
  3. my crutches that is !!! been stuck in the house for 10 days on them now im free!!!! going for a walk tonight atb gary
  4. buy a crono mate or if anyone lives close to you with one ask them if they'd check it for you atb gary
  5. im only 20 as well mate so dont worry atb gary
  6. not long now young jedi .... im hopping lol to get off these crutches for the meet atb gary
  7. you'll not go wrong the 200 mate ive got 1 as well its one gun ill not part with ... atb gary
  8. lol aye lick and washed in slaver lol atb gary
  9. hi lads bill ...................shan can walk it for now but if he grows as big as his daddy guess it will be down to me daz ................. hes a Dogue De Bordeaux and yes mate its a lolly mr mole ............it was 1 lick for me 1 lick for the pup 1 lick for the little git had it all lol atb gary
  10. hi lads talk about taking a pic at the right time lol i knew he was gonna be cheeky but this takes the pee atb gary
  11. the scotch worked last night lol slept like a log must try it again tonight just to make sure ... atb gary
  12. cheers simon i was back at hospital yesterday but they couldn't do much as the knee was still to swollen so it looks like the crutches are here for another week at least atb gary
  13. cheers lads wor lass is taking the piss alrdy im on crutches and when i have my op my eye will be patched up so now all i need is a parrot lol atb gary
  14. im having an op on the friday of the meet so it should be a fun weekend lol atb gary
  15. hi lads well not good at all we've been away for a few days for a bit of outdoor activity ,,laser combat ,,,abseiling,,swimming and a fair bit walking and all was well until today and walking up stairs i tore my mcl so for the next 6 weeks or so im grounded just AS WELL THE FREEZERS FULL lol
  16. looks like you had a good day shay nice bit og shooting as well # atb gary
  17. the rabbits are safer in the field as it can see anything that approaches if it went down the hole the cat might follow it and claim its meal ..also if its a doe she might have young down the burrow she will be hoping the cat follows her away from the burrow (and her young) cheers gary
  18. nice offer buddy good on you atb gary
  19. love this one mate right place right time :toast: atb gary
  20. You cheeky fwarkar.........it was after you left it.....you messy get!!! lol what have i told you about letting strange men into your shed bill !!! atb gary
  21. cant go wrong with a good blast now and then lol but after a while your hand aches atb gary
  22. here we go again lol .....nice bit of land there buddy good luck with whatever you have permission to shoot looking forward to your next post atb gary
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