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Everything posted by festa

  1. This DVD is set to be released in Dec 2011 and all proceeds will go to our chosen charity (Treats4BritishTroops). contact zini (si) for other details atb gary
  2. its brilliant [bANNED TEXT] i know how you feel shannon my daughter often out shoots me ..we spend all that time showing them the ropes and how do they repay you ...out shoot us lol just wait though he'll be after a new gun for christmas or even yours lol atb gary
  3. been ran into by a rat but not a rabbit ...that poor bunny in the pic looks a bit mixi as well judging by its eyes [bANNED TEXT] atb gary
  4. lol wouldnt expect anything else from daz .....must of been a lucky night davy lad atb gary
  5. Don't see it Gary Bud? try now mate atb gary
  6. hi lads i got this on saturday night wor darryl shooting long range exploding targets atb gary
  7. hi lads davy mentioned those long range exploding targets which reminded me i got it on cam atb gary
  8. The Hunting Life Open Results 28th August 2011 Springer Tony Lamsdale 45 Davy Thomas 44 Hamish Wood-Cutler 42 Andy Young 24 0.177 Ed Goss 56 Chris Coombes 55 Charlie Harman 55 Norman Wells 53 Stephen Wells 52 Mick Goodenough 51 Daz Morgan 50 Andrew Reynolds 49 Dave Dabaye 48 Andy Zajt 47 Phil Jones 47 Paul Bilton 47 Gordan Smith 46 Dave Webber 46 Joanne Cogger 45 Lee Booth 45 Dai Butler 43 Paul Brickwood 43 Steve Johnson 43 Adam Brittain 42 Charlie Stalker 42 Peter Mills 42 Paul Barnard 40 Lisa Williams 40 Alex Barnard 38 Jordan Newton 38 Steve Sculley 3
  9. aye cheers again chas n dave done us proud yet again (even though davy picks on kids) lol every thing was well organised even down to the rain it was good to put face's to names some we alrdy knew and some new faces as well . there was to comps we had a darts comp on saturday (just between those who camped ) where i got knocked out in the 1st round by SHANNON!! to be honest she walked all over me lol her next round was a little more difficult she was up against davy's son where he stormed in front he was on the bell and shannon was way back still on number 4 but she didnt crack under the pres
  10. hi mate welcome to the nut house ..why dont you get yourself along to the thl meet this weekend http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/206872-august-2728-thl-air-gun-meet-up/ its down your neck of the woods get to know some of the lads and you never know atb gary
  11. theres bound to be somewhere mate ask wor kid (marksman) he drives class1 he might know somewhere atb gary
  12. so i dont need to bring a tent now cheers buddy atb gary
  13. nice one simon your better explaining things than me nice and easy laymans terms .... i agree with him lol atb gary
  14. comp starts about 11 ish on sunday peter mate theres no real time on done and dusted did you speak to adi? atb gary
  15. the "r tarts" lol good to see you had a cracking time them guns are looking mint shay atb gary
  16. shannon cant wait she's really looking forward to this one .... atb gary
  17. just like the people concerned did on page 2 lol atb gary
  18. i thought me and vis put this to bed on page 2 were now on page 5 .........ahh well happy days atb gary
  19. right ive cooled off a bit and 1st off an apology to vis may be i went about this the wrong way at the end of the day its up to the land owner if he wants to give permission to someone else as well as us thats the way it has to be and yes every permission has it fair share of poachers ...thats why all us lot have to stick together permissions are getting harder and harder to come by so when we get a good one we get very defensive about it we've always had an open door we get invites onto other permissions and you return the favor ....but you dont get an invite onto a permission and then go
  20. thats the guy mate http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/user/62249-vizlauk/ atb gary
  21. no mate he's about our age ... wor kid rang me earlier and told me am still fuming ... ps the dogs not that daft lol atb gary
  22. we wont loose it we've had it for ages now im going up to see the owner this week sometime we have an arrangement with the owner (who we have permission from ) we get to shoot and he gets a free mole contract and any other pest control issues that might crop up ... this kid has got permission from someone else (a manager i think and to be fair to the manager she might not know about the arrangement we have with the owner) so we'll just have to wait and see what happens next week atb gary
  23. hi lads this has all been sorted now no need to reply but if you want to knock yourself out lol ohh and HE aint my brother but he's just heavy lol atb gary
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