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Everything posted by lllluke1

  1. I'm thinking of the 008. Just waiting for Christmas to be over and done with
  2. First things first, have you ever made any type of net before? If you have, a longnet is quite simple, knit a row of meshes to the desired width ( I like 14 meshes at 4.25" mesh), then carry on till you get to your desired length. For the bow back box, when I made one, I used 1/2" ply for the main body of the box, and then used thin ply (can't remember exactly how thin, 3 or 5 mm I think) for the bow part. I'm sure somewhere on her there is instruction videos for net making and there is also bound to be sizes for a box on here. Cheers Luke
  3. I remember years ago thinking a golf ball was a good air rifle target, till the pellet whizzed past my head. Never shot ant golf balls after that
  4. Went for a walk earlier as it was the first dry night for a while and I thought it was a good time to try the calls Stavros sent me. Tried the pheasant distress in the first field for about 20 mins to no avail. So I carried on round the farm. Got to the fourth field and had a quick scan with the lamp and saw two pairs of eyes down the bottom of the field. Now there is no shot that way, so I put the caller on rabbit distress and placed it on a fence post. I had to stack 150 yards ish down the hedge line to get a safe shot. The pair of foxes were ignoring the call and having a moo
  5. Basically yes, I used a T38 or similar torch like the one here: https://torchfactory.com/torchfactory-t38 and attached it to the barrel. I had a pressure switch attached to the stock on the fore end. With this set up I dropped 5 or 6 foxes in a baited area before I got my FAC and got a .223. I used 36g of size 4 and that dropped them all well
  6. I've used a red torch type lamp (T38) if I remember right on the barrel of my shotgun mounted using a velcro type mount. Same as this one: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Universal-Rifle-Scope-Torch-Laser-Mount-Bracket-Fitting-Lamping-Air-gun-Clamp-UK/302669429049?hash=item467880f939:g:~ZAAAOSwoIlap~l7
  7. Once I used this box up, I will get a box to try. Probably going to go back to the 40g v max. Had good results with them
  8. Saw three on the farm this evening, all on the same acre paddock. Got loads here
  9. No rain here tonight. bit of cloud and not really enough wind. Saw another but no safe shot. Going to have a couple of hours with the caller in the week (depending on work)
  10. Went out for a stroll tonight and dropped this little vixen at about 100 yards. Don't like these 55gr sp's. Last 3 I have hit have run a bit after being hit. All 3 have been dead, but I found the 40gr v-max dropped them on the spot
  11. Was reading the about the boys using vixen on heat as a good call for the foxes. I never had that call for my caller and after having a quick chat with Stavros, he offered to send me an SD card full of calls. I got loads of different calls to try now. So thanks again Stavros
  12. When I make them, I start on a ring to make it easier to knit
  13. How many of us actually check for it? I know I check sex, condition and have a quick look at their teeth, but not to check for overshot or undershot jaw
  14. I would go for an add on, but I have a S&B 8*56, so an add on won't work.
  15. Looking at getting one, but not sure. Doing well with a lamp for spotting and a red lamp on the scope for shooting. Do I need night vision????????
  16. As above what is the difference apart from the range finder? Is it just the range finder? If yes, is it worth an extra £225? Cheers Luke
  17. Cars kept outside so unfortunately not Reading up, peppermint oil apparently works so looking at trying to source some of that to spray over the engine bay and underneath. If not, will try looking for something similar
  18. Caught what looks like to me to be a field mouse on camera last night, so will keep camera down for a couple more days to see what else I find
  19. I use a traditional net with hazel poles. I know some lads buy fibreglass poles to use with their quickset nets
  20. Might be the wrong section, but does anyone know of a deterrent for squirrels/rats apart from the obvious 12 gauge? Basically, the farmer where I have my main permission has a problem with something chewing hoses and the soundproofing on his cars. Where he parks is next to a small wood and something has been chewing the cars. So far he has had soundproofing chewed on 2 cars, main diesel feed rubber hose on another and last night he broke down after losing power steering. Found the leak, took off the pipe to find it had been chewed. We put plenty of rat poison under all his round
  21. Never counted the paces back to where I shot it from but it was less than 100
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