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Everything posted by lllluke1

  1. I know if they done this in London there wouldn't be any glass left in any shop window. let us know what it is like there if you go down
  2. Over here soon as it hit +5 everyone all would go home. By the way, this was the channel I was watching. Everyone in good spirits
  3. My house had them, I just replaced them with plug in breakers
  4. Good enough though, watched a few vids on Youtube and there were people lining all the bridges entering the city supporting them. Wouldn't get that here!
  5. Has anyone else seen what the Canadians have done? In protest about mandatory Covid vaccines for truck drivers they have had convoys heading to the capital city. At the was at its longest at about 75km, (46 miles). The have now converged on the city and shut it down. Oh, and the prime minister has gone into hiding blaming the reason he has came into contact with a covid case and has to isolate for 5 days.
  6. Never bothered with a bipod. I use a set of quad sticks. Brilliant for when you take the shot, but not the best for when you need to track a target
  7. I never put zeroing on mine and they automatically added it
  8. Normally I would agree with you, They took a month to change my ticket from closed to open on a .223 and a .22lr. But I've been waiting 3 months now for a variation for a .22 hornet
  9. Have you tried those slings with the quick release that goes around your chest?
  10. 90 meshes sounds about right from what Alan taught me
  11. The way I see it, most construction sites will have their tanks emptied over the weekend. Red was always getting stolen, but now it will be white. We run cranes with spare fuel in cans in the lockers, the boss has already told us that will stop. (He's thinking we will be stealing it).
  12. Mine loved the 40gr v-max, but I can't get them anymore
  13. Put in for a .22 Hornet on the 1st of July with Dyfed Powys. Still nothing. Mate applied for a new grant a week before and his came through yesterday.
  14. My rifle loved 40gr vmax. Can't get them round here anymore
  15. google adblocker and it is an extension to google
  16. If you use Google chrome, they have an ad-blocker extension
  17. 3rd from last on the list, happy for now
  18. I'm after a new dedicated night vision for the .223, It will be used for foxes out to at the most 200 yards, very rarely will I take a shot further than that as I can get closer to them. Usually around the 150 yard mark. I was looking at the getting the older style pard last year/year before but circumstances changed and I never got one. Looking at the new type pards and people are saying they are not as good as the older ones and they need extra IR to use them to their best. Budget will be around £1000. If I was going to get an add-on I would need to factor in the price of a new scope as
  19. I had a dog fox last year that I shot near the sheep scales and it weighed in at near enough 10kg, so near 22lbs. Not sure how accurate his scales are though
  20. Dyfed Powys, I got .22lr and .223 on first grant, open ticket within 12 months. Albeit I had to be mentored on the .223 for a couple of months
  21. Atomic kitten? cranberries Thompson twins
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