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Everything posted by lllluke1

  1. I got my FAC grant with Dyfed Powys in Pembrokeshire exactly 1 month after I handed in the forms
  2. Allways double knotted everything. Found it gave me less slipped knots. In the end I could knit double knotted nearly as fast as single
  3. Sad to hear. Will be greatly missed
  4. Sat at home bored, missus watching shite on tv, so grabbed the shotgun and went for a walk. Came across this dog fox sunning himself in the road through the potato field. 36 grams of 4 shot from about 25 yards and he never knew what hit him
  5. They look spot on mate
  6. Had 2 hours out this morning on a field that was drilled last week with a few crow decoys. Put the decoys out in a random pattern and set the hide up under a tree. Started really good shooting wise with four jackdaws for four shots. After that everything went back to normal and started missing some easy ones. Around 11 o'clock the temperature was scorching and all the birds stopped coming in, so I packed up and done a few jobs on the farm Ended the morning with a total of 16 jackdaws, not much, but better than watching the wedding
  7. As Baldcoot said, shot placement and sensible range, 22lr is deadly
  8. Stick to your budget, and get something that fits. I had an over and under that fitted perfect and in my lack of wisdom I changed it for a semi auto that shoots high. I now need at least 2 shots to hit anything, where as if I still had the over and under 1 shot would do, What I am trying to say is, get what fits and feels right, stick with it Cheers Luke
  9. That explains that then. Is there much of a difference performance wise against a fox with them?
  10. Why zero with one and shoot with another? Why not just zero with what you shoot with? Or am I missing something?
  11. Cheers Mate, will have a look at A1 decoys page
  12. What owl Decoys are good fro jackdaws and rooks and where is a good place to buy them from? Cheers Luke
  13. If you don't know what you're aiming at, why take the risk?
  14. Haven't heard that saying for years
  15. Whats the ebay sellers name?
  16. If you're with Dyfed powys, I got hold of them 0740 Monday morning. Only called at that time to hear the message to see what time they were answering calls. (closed for about 3 hours mid afternon)
  17. Well I got mine with a few convictions on. So you never know. Be honest with the application. At least you are showing some responsibility now, due to running a detox centre. Got to be worth a try. Luke
  18. As Terry said a couple of 5 yarders set 90 degrees to the hedge is usually perfect. Not to heavy to carry round and you will only need a couple of pegs per net
  19. When I made my last few nets, I followed Tiercel's advise and sewed the two end lines together. Nice and simple and strong
  20. lllluke1

    Just One

    Best write up in a long time. I can see yopu now, walking the field singing to your hearts content
  21. Fair enough. That is my problem, living as far in West Wales as I do
  22. I saw this on the first day, why would you not post it???????
  23. A question, why do you all use variable zoom scopes? I have a 6x40 on my falcon and a 4x40 on my airsporter, and I find they suit me fine. Do you lads with something like a 4-20x50 ish scope change the mag for different shots in the field, or keep them at the same mag?
  24. I ferret with a mate who had a cocker with zero experience. We soon learnt what the dogs marks were, and he saved us alot of wasted time ferreting empty burrows. Most hunting type dogs will get the hang of it , no matter what their age
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