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Everything posted by bigdave

  1. sold to headshot08 pending
  2. hi sorry forgot to say what they was made out of. they are all nylon.
  3. 32 nets second hand with bag for sale all with pegs they was brought thinking I would take up ferreting but my friend got me in to pigeon decoying and I have taken to it big time this is why there are for sale. All in great work order. £35 No offers Will post at your extra cost. PM me if your intersted.
  4. i have some polecat kits jills and hobs for sale 9 weeks old ready now from working stock and parents can been seen £10 each pm me for more info. iam in the gloucestershire area. dave
  5. bigdave


    i have 6 so that is 289.
  6. hi all can someone help me when my nets aren't in use should i hang them?. wht do you lot do with your's. dave
  7. could someone tell me are the ferret finders on the market good and what one would do me for just starting up and what price would i be looking at and would i need one for the frist time i go out.
  8. hi all i have just started ferreting and i love it!!!!! could someone tell me what time of day is the best time to go ferreting and is it worth me buying a ferret finder. and does anyone now of any good places in gloucestershire to buy some purse nets some. thanks dave
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