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Everything posted by majorskennels

  1. just got on site,have at to reregester no.42.but it still wont let me access anything.[bANNED TEXT] i;m i doing wrong???? is aol anything to do with it?
  2. must still be down.have only been on site once in 2weeks of trying?????????
  3. pure gouldy bred bitch,one year,showing strong.
  4. good luck oldschool in finding bitch,i know [bANNED TEXT] it feels like;last week lost a mates dog,had him over at mine as a stud,and he f***ed off when out walking.i had to ring the man and tell him,felt sick but i new he was;nt nicked and had a good chance of finding him,and got him back.I don;t know [bANNED TEXT] you can do,just let all the local dog lads know and hope.Dogs do get out,so he might be telling truth,has he offered any money or helped you look for the bitch?if not he knows where it is.best of luck never give up.
  5. TED back safe ;40 hours missing.thanks to everybody who offerd help.proper bad feeling loseing another mans dog,he had;nt gone to ground just had is head in a earth.and nothing would have moved him.all wardens,keepers,local farms,hunt;police in two countys,lincs fm,bbc lincs,informed so i have a few calls to make.cheers again . twin.
  6. chris tried ringing no answer,just got back no joy mate,all earths checked seen the keeper ,still raining;lamp battries wont charge;out first light.ring me when u get up,f@ck work.30 hours now. got plenty of help 2morrow if needed. twin
  7. nowt wrong with special brew & barly wine 0r nelson mandeler (steller).am i to old but can anyone remember DD double diomond proper shit now they call it mangers.men used to drink caliber shandys?and fight the world, u can still get colt 45 in the states seen it in january in a drive through liquor store,how long would they last in this country?
  8. chris the bargin buckets on and rose isnt,shall i switch tablets,and i got chunky bording again till sat,hope it dont get out..forgot to tell you earlier,found m&m. cheers twin. p.s did you start the season lastnight or didnt the thing show its self.i bet its found out who owns the birds,shit itself and emigrated quick.
  9. ah up chris pups looking good sorts i bet your not letting any of them go??????(RU)??????.mind you i no [bANNED TEXT] it is now, its that VIKING BLOOD?us ARABS share em out?tell gimsum iv been checking out my name (PURE ANGLO_SAXON).anyway have got that lurcher in pup yet?,& i bet them pups are strong fecker if there out of bertrum.cheers again shall we start the season early this year with a trip to JORVIK in YORK.
  10. hi lads on me mates pc ,got me dogs here at min ,if need to no phone me ( 07779966646 ) cheers chris
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