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Everything posted by desi22007

  1. ok mate i mark u down as friend and mail me your name and number
  2. went out 2 day and caught a few
  3. anyone local to leatherhead,surrey [bANNED TEXT] own ferrets to go out ferretting on sunday or any other time, have large warrens and not enough ferretts
  4. hi looking for a someone else to come ferreting on sunday in the leatherhead, surrey area, need to have own ferrets as the warrens that we want to do are to big,
  5. hi looking 4 someone in leatherhead area 2 come rabbiting on sunday must have own ferrets coz we haven`t got anough 2 do big open burys and would be nice to do it with someone diffrent than my mates
  6. [a ttachment=62729:014.JPG]my 3 month saluki grey bull & roe pics
  7. out rabbiting in morning & on the piss with bitch ( wife)
  8. where abouts are u im in leatherhead intrested
  9. lurcher pup at 3 months sorry about last time done it wrong
  10. lurcher pup at 3 mounths
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