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Everything posted by wuzzy

  1. try on the difflock forum there a nice bunch and help out when they can and say hi to the lads from me i,ve not been on for ages
  2. ahh no not really as a blueprint is building it to "his blueprints" he designed most of the bsa range and therefore can blueprint them but you can get the S200 reg,d so you get around 100 shots per fill
  3. wuzzy


    sounds spot on that
  4. that night we went out Chris had my tracer on his s510 so that gives you an idea of how they are just make sure you get a decent battery
  5. "to duck"its got to be just remember season ends on your b-day
  6. S200 without a doubt at long range i had a mk3 in .177 and stupidly sold it a while back it was good to take rabbits at 50+yrd,s off the bipod
  7. just make sure your done by the 31st of January
  8. to be honest mate they are more hassle than there worth as they only have limited mag on them and they are a pain in the backside to zero in, you'd be better off buying either one that fits on to your normal scope(but makes your combo very long)or a good scope mounted lamp with a dimmer switch price wise its true when they say you get what you pay for think around the £1000 mark for a new one thats worth the effort hope this helps
  9. :stupid: if in doubt put some napier pellet lube in the transfer port and cock and fire away if it gets better it just needs a strip and relube if not then you have a different problem
  10. get a ultra mate you wont regret it i,ve seen how devastating they are in the field
  11. aahh good old google bots fueling the paranoia come on lads i,ve met some fantastic people on this site lets stand together and show what being a Internet community means and just ignore all the guests,muppets and the trolls,if you suspect anything i,m sure the mods will oblige by checking out any posts and members that are reported to them so instead of accusing folk lets give the mods a hand to clean up we like being here after all so lets look after the place
  12. and the madness starts again everyone suspecting everyone else its sad we cant all be on the same team but it seems the dog men are against the gun men on here don't understand it as we can learn loads from each other
  13. i,m sure if you phone the companies they will be happy to help but i,m sure you cant get them as a after sale item
  14. i suppose if they don't have to become a member it saves all the useless shite their going to post to try and get us all to talk about what we do and try to undermine us and generally waste our time we are safe aslong as the mods keep a good eye out for the muppets on here posting shite and we all chip in cos it cant be an easy task just use the report button
  15. if you pick up a knacked vit with a petrol lump there is a converion for a pug or vw diesel lump
  16. it needs stopping there are too many muppets on here who give us a bad name with stupid posts, who knows maybe its the antis posing as one of us now 9 guests reading show yourself or
  17. 2 guests reading 1 member
  18. wuzzy

    bloody DWP

    i tell you all! its a disgrace how they treat you i,ve worked since i was 13 and after a work accident i have to rely on bloody benefits, i,ve never been so mistreated in my entire life,i managed to sell my old rifle and buy a rifle that i,ve been looking for for a while so i had the money and treated myself as really it cost me nothing as i got enough for my old one,a week later it starts playing up so i spoke to the guy who designs them and he said it could be re built and fine tuned for 75 quid, i think great i will finally have a rifle i can get on with and hopefully a keeper, Monday comes
  19. nice footage there fella keep em coming
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