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Everything posted by wuzzy

  1. good going there davy at least someone is braving the weather while i'm tucked up with some mulled wine
  2. defiants seem to be the best choice for bsa's but JB will give you a test sheet and target with a 50yrd grouping of the best pellets for your barrel
  3. i think the mildot reticule would be the better choice for someone to learn about hold over and under and the effects of wind
  4. turn it till its in the on position or pointing forward and then punch it out by means of a hammer and screwdriver or something similar hope this helps
  5. thats the beauty of this weather no real need for the lamp but its bloody cold and every step you take is CRUNCH CRUNCH!! so no stalking
  6. hello and welcome to the forum there is a wealth of knowledge here on running dogs you wont come up short on info in relation to lurchers
  7. hi there welcome to the forum if you get settled in the working dogs section i'm sure someone can tell you were to get what your after
  8. hello and welcome to the site oh and get stuck in typing
  9. and a warm welcome to you hope you stay and enjoy the site
  10. hello and welcome,not sure what you want to advertise but you cant post in the for sales until you have a 20 post minimum on the forums here,just so everyone getsa to know each other
  11. dont take offence fella its just there has been alot of newbs posting for sale as soon as they join and sooner or later a member is going to be ripped off and we dont want that to happen to you or to anyone else, at least this way we are all somewhat aquainted
  12. for me its find some local permission and have the patience to teach my 7yr old to shoot safley god knows i fly off the handle too soon for some reason
  13. its the temprature fella the co2 compresses with the cold but expands with heat so in winter its the worst rifle you could use no amount of tuning would make it usable in the cold i,m afarid, you might be better off looking at a cheap springer for winter shooting a smk xs19 in .177 ia an awsome rifle for the money and with a decent scope will do the bizz
  14. from standard there pretty poo but if you get uprated internals from John Bowkett there supposed to be ace just like Si's R10 if you remove the sak silencer its a bit louder but with its just a "phutt"
  15. you'll tell us owt but seriosley hope you make it out today before this all starts thawing out that will be messy
  16. MERRY CHRISTMAS from my family and me to you all and all your families i hope you all enjoy and prosper in the new year oh and happy hunting .best regards and wishes Joey and family
  17. i would say there is a problem as 6 1/2 is very low even for a gun thats not run in better get it checked out as might need the gas ram topping up
  18. :stupid: oh yeah but without the mince pie linzetorte for me
  19. i think theres a 20 post minimum now in place before posting on the for sale section its just to insure people dont just join to flog something and then dissapear genuine members shouldnt be put off by this just peddlers and dealers
  20. get out there if you can drink you can get up next day and do what you have to thats what i was allways told me i'm staying in today no club ps phantom SLIMY FRIED EGGS :sick:
  21. if i remember correctly than the bsa bbk are threaded at the end but you might need an adapter to turn it into a male 1/2" unf for your wheirauch
  22. its just the xs 78 with a new stock i used to have one as did probably alot of people(hint DID) you would be better off buying your son a light weight springer, but it depends how old your son is
  23. you still not took davey's advice ignore some of the trolls on here pcplod
  24. you need to get onto a 30yrd range or a field and get a target out to 30 yrd to zero you might find that because your so close that you would need hold over due to the pellet being on its way up but not reached its peak,it depends what your rifle is pushing ftlbs wise and what weight of pellets your using ,when you know these figurs you can calculate your 2 zero point,s one might be 10yrd and the other 30yrd,but if you have access to a chrono download chairgun and you can do the maths and find out if your scope needs more shims or less or maybee lower mounts
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