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Everything posted by wuzzy

  1. :stupid: get yourself a new rifle for that money fella, believe me if you half the bad luck i've had with secondhand you'll regret not buying new when you had the chance
  2. very nice indeed there fella but i'm sure the third one was already dead it didnt even flap just dropped, i must admit i did chuckle at that one
  3. i used to use sticky draft excluder tape inside the stock takes a bit of the nasty-ness away
  4. well done fella nice to see your still getting out in this and with the HW get mine in an hour or so hope to see you soon , oh and have a good time in Germany
  5. how much for the pistol mate my son would love that as he's a bit small for a rifle yet
  6. i think thats a bit of a silly statement they could at least ask and i'm sure most wouldnt mind but just take and assume its ok that lacks etiquette
  7. had this argument on the airgun section some bloke nicked a pic off a friends profile and used it as his avatar, funnily enough his mate jumped in to defend him for it, i explained he should remove it as it was taken in my garden and taken off my friends profile but his friend was addament that it was ok just to go aroung right clicking on pics that you like
  8. another vote for the tasco's i had one for a while but you will have to shim the back mount
  9. getting mine tomorrow hopefully i can keep this one its my tenth this year pssst dont tell the missus
  10. cheers archie let em swing it is i was just worried about nervous aggression with him as he has obviosley had some problems at his former home, lets hope we can turn him around he is showing progress
  11. just near halifax,but on all the web pages i've trawled through today there is only one contact no. and no confirmation if they are out over the holidays, it does mention that they actually pass through todmorden where i live, i really want to attend if poss but just finding it hard to find out where they start from and at what time
  12. hi all and let me first say sorry if this has been covered and yes i used the search, right here goes does anyone have experience to whether or not to get my beagle snipped, does it make training easier do they listen better or does it make no difference, i'm not overly keen to have it done to him but if it makes our lives all better ie him listening and learning and me not shouting alot then i may consider it. thanks in advance
  13. oh what the hell! does anyone know if the pennine hunt is on over the holidays and where they meet??? as ive tried ringing the contact number and no answer
  14. well done fella glad its sorted no more excuses then hey!!
  15. got a good tuning guide but its a bit long winded hope you enjoy reading : Tuning The Older Springer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL WORK DONE USING THIS INFORMATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK - APPLY COMMONSENSE TO YOUR WORK AND SEEK ASSISTANCE FROM A QUALIFIED GUNSMITH IF YOU GET OUT OF YOUR DEPTH. Use a spring compressor and be careful! If you want your old or new-to-you old spring-piston rifle to give you its best then you could try the following tune-up. It takes a bit of patience and elbow-grease and dosen't involve any dra
  16. its a rough copy of the hw35 but there no where near the same internally and the tuning kits wont fit if you give the internalls a polish it should be smoother to shoot that is
  17. right found one that passes through here sometimes but cant find any contact info can anyone help?
  18. cheers i know there clued up just didnt want to make it easier for em
  19. A very merry christmas one and all on the THL from me and mine to you all and your's
  20. hi all can someone pm me any details on locating my local hunt or at least the nearest one to me as i would love to attend in support but am struggling to find info, but please do not post it on here for the anti's to see thanks.
  21. and to you and yours Si my friend from me and mine
  22. R10 fella check out ZINI'S posts and see how devastating it is , i know i shoot with him,
  23. again thats all dependant on alot of different conditions but it should! be about 10-10.5 at the least but there are tuning guides on the web on how to fine tune them as they are a bit rough out of the box, if you look up charlie da tuner on google same spelling you should find his how-to i followed it with my 78 but i over polished some of the parts and had massive c02 loss form shot to shot so be careful and phantom i can only speak for the xs19 in .177 as thats the only one ive used and seen in action
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