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Everything posted by wuzzy

  1. ostfriesen stick together ?
  2. we usually have our giggle glandsurgically removed at the age of 16. i beg to differ OTTO!
  3. i,ll be there on sunday you cant miss me unless your not looking down i,m only 5,3
  4. ok ive seen the jeep i want so 400 for quick sale
  5. for sale is my suzuki vitara jlx 16v with test till feb 10 and tax till aug would make ideal lamping jeep bought it to make into a off roader but i need more power (ive been driving a 4l jeep) it needs a bit of welding idealy box section sills but runs great looking for 500 ono and i,m in rochdale mancs these go for more on the bay without tax and test but its abit scruffy and i want it gone so i can buy a jeep again
  6. heres my s200 cant fault it at all
  7. :stupid: cant go wrong with that one
  8. tbh aaron there is no excuse really in this day and age of scope quality to take chest shots not having a dig i know its not always the easy shot but a clean head shot in .177 and .22 will allways do the job and sometimes the shot will bounce off a rib and your welll earned quarry will make a run for it head shots all the way for me
  9. problem with falcon is that most gun shops dont keep parts for em so s400 just for ease of use and im a airarms convert from a falcon fn12 to a s200
  10. tbh i havnt seen anything out and about on my permissions when the weathers bad due to it being very open i think,so an eve out in bad weather brings me usually nothing maybe a roosting woody if im lucky;)
  11. wuzzy


    there is a neoprene pad on the side that meets the stock on this one so they must of figured that one out
  12. nah pal last time i did that the bloody thing was covered in rust spots
  13. wuzzy


    cant imagine paying 60 odd quid for anything that does the same,this time the chinese copy wins my vote and im usually only convinced by a name with quality behind it
  14. wuzzy


    ok here it is on my s200
  15. wuzzy


    ok folks ive now had a few eves out with said bipod and the verdict is its a bargain,it feels very solid and well made,the springs are nice and taught no creaking though,extendable legs are very quiet to deploy and can be very easily adjusted i will get the bluetooth warmed up and get some pics up in a min
  16. wuzzy


    bipod arrived today but ive been out collecting my new 4x4 so watch this space looks a good un
  17. no probs pal just thought you might be a bit closer and im heading over yorks way on tue but thanks for the heads up
  18. 160 posted and i,ll have it
  19. the weekend me thinks
  20. cheers BBB thats what i needed to know as the written law on it is hard to locate
  21. was just looking into using it on cubs does anyone know if its legal as obviosley if i kill the vixen then the cubs will die anyway :wacko:
  22. dont know any sorry but i do know a man with a shotgun or 2
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