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Everything posted by wuzzy

  1. get the lad a rifle ......... ....getting my coat and leaving but seriosley good shooting that lad
  2. hi there just got your txt where i live i struggle for reception sometimes luckily texts get through, thanks for the preview looks perfect hope to be up there asap
  3. hi all i have a 5.5kw honda genny for sale as i dont need it any more has 2 power output,s on it think 160 and 240v ideal for builder or a heavy duty camper as used to run as emergency supply to house they fetch about 400 on the bay so for quick sale 300 or would swap for decent shooting setup air rifle only W.H.Y thanks
  4. pmsl and thanks zini look forward to meeting up
  5. here yo go fella, put 3pints of ripe dry sloe,s in a gallon jar with 1 oz of sweet almonds and 1 and half lb of loaf sugar then pour in 4 pints of gin then cork, shake the bottles every 3 days for 3 months strain off and rebottle and enjoy
  6. but this has to be the best collaberation ever !
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-XzGOZHYdA crack,s me up every time and another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy7zX2SMPz4
  8. would you take in exchange 1. pair of muddy boots 2. one slightley grubby soul 3. a disgrunteled cat.... ohh just give me the damn thing i want it sooo bad :shout: good luck with the sale fella shouldnt be round long
  9. nice bag there fella what time did you hit them was it long after dark?
  10. nah fella found a plastic sign on my permission that was riddled with .22,s so its some bugger poaching or the landowners kids
  11. dennis not met your lad so cant say lol
  12. god he,s a mess isnt he a poster child for acid!
  13. sorry made me laugh though but think your right about pink floyd
  14. nahhhh DR HOOK! all the way what were they on ?
  15. oohh can of worms fella! sure the anti,s will be round soon tellin you you cant shoot a pigeon in your yard (i got the same treatment and thought i,d posted on the wrong website)but good shooting
  16. welcome mat hope you enjoy it here
  17. nope but will it be on the i player do you think ? on another note seems the rabbit population on my permissions in on the decrease didnt see one last outing
  18. how come up for sale so soon bud not getting on with it ?
  19. Aaron i will let you know if it goes but it doesnt look like it yet shame really its a bargain
  20. will take 350 and pm,s replied to
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