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Everything posted by wuzzy

  1. i have shot quarry at 55+yrds but its pushing it for shot placement only to be done under ideal circumstances the penatration is there aslong as you get the soft spots but crows i would suggest no futher than 40yrd there tough old birds
  2. try putting a 1/2" unf thread adapter on the barrell and then a hogan decimeater the rats wont know what hit em
  3. come on people he,ve got 2 dead un,s one live one and one guiness world record also live come on where are the big dead un,s
  4. up till now dave1979 is in the lead with that big grey bugger!
  5. naahhh just a piccie will do see if we can find a monster bunny
  6. your not kidding bet he weighed a bit
  7. ok i,m getting alot of pm,s about this it is just ONE spare tyre its brand new and it cost over
  8. here,s mine not a great pic i know but it was a good head shot at 55yrd,s with the s200 .177 as you can see its nearly the full length of a door step
  9. as title i,m starting this hopefully and just for fun lets see,em the biggest bunny you,ve got on camera
  10. thats the biggest one i,ve seen this year oohhh there,s an idea how about a pic comp biggest long ears wins just for fun
  11. haha dont think i,ll have the 410 up and running by next friday so i,m after an alternative
  12. is this still up for grabs cheers
  13. lucky bugger ive tried one and been hooked since but unless someone is willing to swap me for my kids i dont think i could ever afford one
  14. cant fault the one i had off evilbay from japan did the job and more it was cheap
  15. is it new if so i suggest send it back somethings wrong seriosley if not it maight be just over filled and the fist ten shots will be under power
  16. as above i have a bfg mt tyre on a suzuki rim brand new was spare now surplus to requirements collect only from ol14 40ono size is 215x85x15 cost new
  17. thought so i,ve got the jacket here for autum time hunting;)
  18. good shooting fella,s but leave some for me and i,m sure they are swiss combats
  19. hopefully will have the s410 in action by then
  20. cant wait now hopefully the weather will play along
  21. will sort some out but there,s plenty on the internet just google honda 5.5kw genny its the frame mounted type oh and been watching a few go on the bay a bit cheaper so 250 ono
  22. awww shucks little old me on camera see you soon fella cheers
  23. aahhh i smell s200 or maybe fn12
  24. let me know how it was got to admit its not my recipe its out of an old wine making book i have good luck
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