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Everything posted by wuzzy

  1. get them pics up we,ve only got 4 dead un,s up to now thats not much
  2. use a baiting spot fella just abit of peanut butter in a place with a good backstopp and easy to zero onto and then shoot the bugger, i did loads of this for neighbors when some flats were knocked down all the rats came up to the houses, but be sure you get rid of every single spot of blood cos weils will kill your dogs very slowly and painfuly, i used bleach mixed with water after i shot a rat
  3. well that gives me loads of time to get there then cheers fella
  4. dont know what time he will be expecting me,but was hoping for an afternoon and eve session might even stopp in a b+b and do the sat if all goes well zini permitting of course just need to get my travel arrangements sorted as my 4x4,s gone to the breakers snapped half shafts
  5. lets hope i can get back to using a .22 after that long stint of .177
  6. let me know, ive got mine sorted now but the neighbor wants one
  7. thats what i got it for fella as wont have the 410 by then so this is my back up rifle chuffed about the lamp though
  8. hi just a pic of the new setup i picked up today from a forum member off this site its a bsa lightening in.22 with a hawke 3-9x50 ir scope and a smk3-9x56 spare, a deben tracer light with red filter and batterey 2 tins of rws and a nice fleece lined bag got to say i am very chuffed with the bsa as a short springer, very powerful but it has just been to guns international for a service sorry about pic quality bloody phone,s
  9. cheers fella might even have to go out drinking with some landowners here eee! the things i do for a club
  10. i will get out on my feet tommorow and talk to local land owners here see what we can come up with
  11. i bet that took some power to bring down what distance did you get it at? was it .22 or .177?
  12. pmsl thats amazing that snake cant of been hungry
  13. very nice there Timelord bet you feel like your on a conrtact when your taking out rats
  14. where have you got it mounted? if its on the scope try just underneath the barrel abit like a laser bore sighter
  15. yup thats the one and its not too abrasive otherwise the blueing will be effected
  16. sure fella adapters can be bought from here www.uttings.com or www.jsramsbottom.com
  17. yup your right thats a nice pair
  18. tried em all but there either sold after endless trawling through bump,s or no reply go figur
  19. eve all seems i,m not having a great deal of luck in finding a back up rifle i keep trying all the different forums and the wanted ads but people have either sold elsewhere or just dont respond to pm,s its getting quite anoying looks like i might have to go to a gunshop next week and pay over the odds or does anyone know of a rifle for sale i can spend about 300 thanks rant over
  20. then try the tcut fella and after its gone keep it oiled with wd40, i did mine every 2 week or after every outing
  21. try abit of brasso or even just some wd40 and a microfibre cloth if that doesnt help you might need some tcut
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