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Graham Nicholson

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About Graham Nicholson

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 30/09/1909

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  1. http://www.defra.gov.uk/foodrin/poultry/default.htm
  2. Very enjoyable read, you should send it to the countryman’s weekly and be sure to win a pen knife, on second thoughts don’t bovver, it’s too good for that rag, well done keep them coming.
  3. Perhaps Jamie, however, how long did he write for the Shooting news which is now the CMW, it was a conservative guess 20 years, however a bunch of flowers would have been appropriate don’t you think?
  4. I wrote for the Countryman’s weekly in the 90’s under the former editor Vic; however when David Veener took over in my opinion the magazine went downhill, Brian Plummer wrote for both the Countryman’s Weekly and the Shooting news, for over twenty years and under this new guy Dave they never even sent a memorial to his funeral, however covered the funeral in the magazine a made up story, to which I complained in writing to Venner, who phoned me, with a lame excuse.
  5. I’m thinking about going this year, Haven’t been for a few years, fed up with the Midland, they always put the terriers in the far corner, I think they are trying to tell us something?
  6. Yeah I bet it’s not a very absorbent substance, just what it’s lacking substance, it’s the cheap ink
  7. Got a good shredder if you don’t want them.
  8. Bring Back shooting News with Vic as the editor, the new guy Dave Venner is a J R Hartley merchant, I recon, the letters page in the old Shooting News was better than the whole magazine now, however, you can win a penknife for the biggest load of crap written about now, or a photo of a puppy, sitting on a pillow.
  9. what's was his name if you don't mind letting on ? if you do no bovver
  10. Shooting News use to cover lurcher terrier and such like moved away to be more like shooting times and went skint. Changed its name and has now moved backwards in my view bring back the old editor Vic.
  11. It’s a useless advertising 30 pages £2 a pop dirty old rag, fish N chip shops can’t even make any use of it, it used to be alright when it was called the Shooting news
  12. This is more informational and a far better read toboot
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