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Everything posted by hounddog

  1. look how big he is off to the 4ft ply board
  2. My new miniature cob stallion at just 11hh at 3yrs old. His name's Belt Buckle.
  3. would you be interested in painting one of my gypsy cob horses open to most things mate put a pic up and al have a bash at it i will get a pic for you tomorrow thanks
  4. would you be interested in painting one of my gypsy cob horses
  5. i drive horses most every day
  6. do anyone know where the white 4 work l200 pick ups go for auction at
  7. do anyone know what car auctions the white, 4 life l200 pick ups sell though
  8. i like the third filly, theres loads of good stallionds around but they wont to much £££££
  9. yea i bought them they dont stud there horses out, i wish they did
  10. tie cotton to the door knocker, then you could knock again when they went back in. potatoe up the exuast pipe. phone the free phone hows my driving with the number plate of the lorry. order a big list of take out.
  11. anyone going in the morning, should be some good racing
  12. your doing a good thing but only buy one if you wont one cause you can't save them all.
  13. she looks a gooden try and get the other pics, he a good stallion aswell how big is he
  14. working in borehamwood today and there was green parakeets flying over all day thay had a nest in one of the gardens they was adding more sticks to it. the man in the house said there always there.
  15. sunday i hope we went twice last year
  16. anyone going should be a good day, there will be some good cobs there
  17. go on dragon driving web site
  18. what did you build them? a outside park with swings and slides on the instrucions it said 2 men 6 hours but with a few drinks and the snow outside it took longer and then at 10.30 i started putting a train table and track together and finished at 2o,clock, he ain't stopped playing with the train table but ain't even bin on the park yet
  19. just finished building my kids presents 2am roll on 5am when there up
  20. it's a common fault with them it could be diesel running back over night or i put a new starter on one that was doing it befor and it started good after
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