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Everything posted by twotwo

  1. Where are you my friend (hopefully suffolk)?
  2. I'm the first to admit I can be an opiniated arse and I got banned for my views on Israel and people taking on more debt than they can handle. Anyway I was banned for being an objectionable person, I want to apologize and get my account back so I can get on asking questions about the sport and buying airguns. i would promise not to go on the non related area of the forum and would refrain from sharing my views on controversial ideas. I think it needs to be remembered that I have contributed to the site, I've bought £500.00 of stuff and maybe occasionally give reasonable advice. Anyway any
  3. For me it has to be the Toyota Hilux my dad picked up to teach me in when I was 12, its still going strong even 6 years afterwards. The only downside was that it was Petrol.
  4. Hey, every penny counts in the credit crunch;), especially when you are looking to buy a house (well a third share of one) soon.
  5. Hello everybody. Just a quick bio, I had been shooting .22rf and 7.62 at my school for four years and did alot of postal shoots and competed at the bisley centenerary range many times. However now that I'm 18 I have had to leave school and was stupid enough not to get a fac while I was a member of my schools shooting club. I recently moved to my Dad's house who is out in New Zealand for six months. the house and grounds have a mild pest problem and 60 acres to play in;). Better yet, I found a BSA supeten lieing around the house, no joke, hidden behind some bedding in a cupboard. I intend
  6. Are you willing to split it up? I would love the buddy bottle. Would give £40ish delivered.
  7. Oh and sorry to double post again, but I may not reply tomorrow, depends on whether my broadband kit has arrived. Dad's house is finally moving into the 21st century with broadband.
  8. I am interested, if you could drop it to £37, could I also bank transfer you the money, if you give me your sort code and account number I can do this. i am P'Ming you my phone number. youve just knocked him down a pound for each post youve put up, if you said howdy and all that lot, you might be bidding £15.00,,,,,,,,, , welcome by the way JACK Are you saying that once I get more known (possibly infamous;)) on this forum I will get better prices? If so, well thats nice, but I really want to shoot now, and since I dislike spamming, it would take me months to get to know people, a
  9. I have a bsa super ten. Any chance you would split it up and sell the silencer, buddy bottle and mag to me? Failing that would you drop the price to £280.00?
  10. I am interested, if you could drop it to £37, could I also bank transfer you the money, if you give me your sort code and account number I can do this. i am P'Ming you my phone number.
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