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summat decent

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Everything posted by summat decent

  1. I give a penicillin jag 1 to 2ml depending on size of dog.Use cut and heal liquid or ointment also depending on type of wound.Any holes that cant be stitched i only wash out once and pack with ointment,for a stitched or stapled wound the liquid as ointment can gam staples or stitches too much
  2. Thanks very much Thought your content page was sound,genuine a rare thing these days.
  3. Nice one how you doin! I read one of your posts,i keep a couple of ferrets myself black eyed white ,sandy,silver. That is well early for season,you'll probably use delvosteron to bring it out,i found a vet last year who sold it to me £1 a jag,0.5 a jill not bad 50p each.My original vet here was a robbing git!
  4. Thanks very much.I see from your profile that you keep a lab,do you keep any lurchers or whippets? Only i noticed you lamped,or do you lamp for the gun?
  5. Hi everyone, Originally I'm from Derbyshire , Northern England now living in Northern Ireland. Always kept whippets, ferrets and the (very!) odd lurcher. mostly daytime hunting untill recently due to kids etc, enjoy the odd nights lamping now they've grown up. Now experimenting with different strains to create my idea of a perfect sighthound as my old line died out last year.
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