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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. yeh same as mate went out last night got to land dog was exited as hell then the fog came in from nowhere within 5mins and couldnt see two hands in front so packed dog and lamp back up and went home. Tonights looking promising windy as f**k here and a bit of drizzel and all ready looks dark so fingers crossed its on.
  2. My dad allways had and worked a lurcher and a terrier so when I got old enough for my own he got me one and ive never looked back and now a house isnt a home for me without a lurcher and terrier to hand.
  3. mine does to,changes mode when turning off and switches modes when you half press the button
  4. yeh I m getting rid of as many infected as I can and its keeping my terrier keen and busy icking them up out of the cover any ways hope they get over it and that there is still a few kicking about to keep me going through out the season but its looking bleak at the moment any ways all the best with the season mate
  5. well off all summer there has been an abundance of berts now the season has started there dropping like flys with the b*****d mixy again :wallbash: gutted isnt the word I have a lurcher pup that needs experiance on the lamp and ferrets that need exercise so no outher option but to go to my permission's further a feild and fingers crossed it hasn't hit there yet and it wont be a waste of time. there's no wonder theres loads that hunt through summer can't bloody blame them realy. ATB U.M
  6. looks like thow's gonna be ginue pig old lad
  7. ever heard the phrase a good huntsman never blames his dogs i .feel sorry for the dog to hav a retard owner try using ur toffee in training at least 25 times more than u have and not ruin the dogs life Been on two minuets and throwing shit about lighten up for f**k sake no wonder no f****r will go lamping with ya
  8. 7 modes f**k that like you rob I can just about live with the 3 if you find a single mode one thoe bud can you fire anouther link up
  9. I have a 400 lumen torch that takes 2aaa batteries and the beam on that is ideal for shooting with the air rifle so my deben pro and logun lamp are now all but retired but mine is as rob said the one with 3 modes and it is a pain in the arse but that is the only downside to mine going to use the link now to buy one of the 800 lumen ones and going to have a look at the 1600 as well then I can maybe retire the striker and 12volt 17amp batterie for going out with the lurcher.
  10. does he reg s410's as well bill and how much are they to do roughly? quite fancied getting one reged of ben taylor but they were a bit costly at the time when he first started doing them.
  11. good clip of the dogs lad that pup looks well
  12. I would of done the same mate after two years of feeding and caring for the dog it was only fair
  13. ha ha your gonna be in the shit up tae ya neck lad
  14. I had same problem with mine mate and it was because it was reading meaters per second instead of feet per second you can tell when you first turn it on. my mrs's brand new ultra was reading 9.2 yet at the shop only two hours previous it was 11.6 then I read the manuel changed it did the calculation and hey presto back to 11.6 but with out looking at my manuel I couldnt tell you how to do it but I will have alook when I get home and post up how to change it unless some one puts it up before me.
  15. as camp as butlins or a row of tents if my granny had balls she'd be my grandad
  16. couldnt hit a bulls arse with a barn door
  17. A few more got a throat like gandhi's flip flop. sweating like a turkish wrestlers jock strap. tight as a crabs arse play with feathers get your arse tickeld
  18. when any one is swinnging a hammer my dad says hit it like hitting a black man off ya sister
  19. he also says you will never do that as long as you have a hole in your arse
  20. my old lad will look through the scopes on his air rifle and say I could spot a black head on a niggers arse with them lad
  21. Whats that? its a wig wham for a ducks arse
  22. Do I hell I once went to a fellers house to buy some nets off him and he kept them in the house it hummed rotten now bollocks to that for a game of soldiers out side in a court is the only way forward for me.
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