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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. Well will proberbly get slatted to f**k for this but I think you would be hard pushed to beat a plummer for what you say you needed judge
  2. right im ordering one now! not even joking, fed up of my clulite, was good for last season as it was my first but fed up of it now I used to use a clulight and thought it was ok till I got my 170 and there was no competion
  3. your mrs is so fat when she wears high heel's she strikes oil
  4. if there boots are owt like the rest of there stuff give them a wide birth I bought a jacket it was as water proof as bog roll and the stiching in the linning come away and was f****d within a month I wouldnt touch anything they do now.
  5. 15 guests reading this they must of found out that corn beef is the new code for badger
  6. yeh I hope somebody gave it the over 18's only title or somebody will be getting spanked.
  7. well I wont be trying corn dog curry in a hurry il stick to good old chicken(if home made) cat and dog (if from take away)
  8. right now that thats cleared up what about this cornbeef curry could it be done I reckon the cornbeef would break down and turn into thick shity mush with curry flavour what you reckon
  9. I did ages ago and I am english think these two just thick as f**k lol
  10. why dhx i can under stand bulls and sulukis as they are not a first time dog in my opinion as most of them take a fair bitt of training butt deerhound x behave with yore self they are the most inteligeng of the site hound familly very easy to train and all ways wonting to be with you i just dont understand that one think he was giving an example to keep it simple with regards to the x not the type of cross, like a beddy x grey instead of something x something x something x something x something type lines. if you know what I mean gafer.
  11. I just use a car battery charger for all my batteries they all seem fine.
  12. thats a real nice bit of steel you got there lad and a cracking job done on it.
  13. or brazil cheaper meat as a result of lower welfare, cheaper feed, dirt cheap land, cheap labour Cheap meat are you having a laugh I got some corn dog from the coop the outher day 4 slices £3.98 nearly a pound a slice the robbing buggers. but corndog and cheese sarnie wid hp cant beat it.
  14. Well done lad to you and joe, its nice when they show an intrest in something outher than xbox keep at it and keep him keen lad.
  15. would you say that if it was your kid he raped would you hell f**k him should of cut his jacobs off first as well the sick little twat.
  16. Slip leads are shite I have tried every type of slip there is and the lads are right a bit of rope or I have a length of ratchet strap the real small thin ones and it works great I just singe the ends with a lighter.
  17. It wasnt the best of nights for it but well done gafer.
  18. lol, same one I met ya dad in last time i let him blow me off
  19. yeh nice to see him coming on. We were smilling so much because my mrs was going mad telling me id f****d the camera and the silly get was trying to take it with the lense cap still on, it just tickeled us because we let her keep trying and go on about it for a ages before she twigged .
  20. deerhound,beddy x collie,grey 10 month old 25 tts, went to take him out last night but when we got to permision the fog had set in so I had to call it off, Any ways it was a better night tonight wind was up but it was very clear so me and my mate risked a look out and it went fairly well pup picked up 4 out of 5 and is starting to follow the lamp and everything is starting to come together so I am fairly happy with him.
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