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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. alright mate a horse lunnging lead(or a long bit of rope about 60 yards) can be good to train a dogs recall let dog run and when it gets to about 50 yrds call dog back when it comes back reward it if it doesnt it gets to end of rope give it a short sharp tug then pull it back in to you. saw this method on a dog training web site when I had dog that wouldnt come back on first call worked for me.
  2. snap I had a full grey and she used to take rabbit, hare, and fox but she wouldnt stop till she caught or hit something in the end she was taking a real beating and at 7 year old I retiered her to a freind as a walking companion and she loved it the next year she died of cancer. RIP missy.
  3. cracking pictures mate and now when the mrs tells me to sort the garden ill tell her where to go now you have shown me what I am missing out on with an unkept garden.cheers
  4. Play with feathers get ur arse tickled. Sick as a morcambe muscle. The empty vessel makes the most noise. What would you ecspect from a pig but a grunt. It doesnt matter how far a donkey travels it will still be an ass. He who who flies with the crows should expect to get shot. He who thinks byt the inch and talks by the yard should be kicked byt foot. A second class ride is better than a first class w**k. An arse like 2 ferrets fighting in a sack. Arse-holes are like opinions everybodys got one. Where theres muck theres money. to old of a cat to be fu**ed by a kitten. to make an o
  5. I dont see how pulling them out with that aid is any different than getting them in your fingers (I use tweesers)and twisting them out while pulling at same time always works for me and I apply olive oil to the tick before removing. Just how I do it and never had a problem but I make sure they dont get any where near me once removed.
  6. thanks both for the replies the camera is a canon eos 350d with a 200 to 900 zoom lense I think first decent camera and these were my first pics.
  7. robin canal foot shaw ulverston canal hoad monument what you's think
  8. thanks guys, there all in good nick at the moment but the old lad lost fur on his tail and front legs but all fine and grown back now.
  9. the one on the right is the father of the other. this is daughter to the polecat in the picture above and brother to the outher I bred the father 4 years ago and the two young ones are last years that I bred. mother died middle of this year.
  10. stich, bedlington x greyhound first cross paddy, deerhound collie x greyhound rosie and paddy love at first sight caleb and stich taking a nap
  11. copy the pics you want to edit into a new file so the re-sized pic is saved separate from the original. Right click the pic you want to up load, then click edit, then click on image, go to stretch skew and 2 boxes appears stating 100, delete 100 and replace with 35 in both box's, click OK, now go to file, then save as, chose a name for the picture, and save it, do this with your pics, then they can be uploaded with out photo bucket. as they are now resised. hope Ive explained it right mate, good luck spot on thanks for the info just tryed it and its worked for me
  12. If its as bad around yours as it is around were I live forget the photo album grab your self a noose.its seems to be shite every where at the moment hope things pick up for you thoe mate.
  13. when I bought my s410 in with the manuell there was a warning leaflet from air arms put and that said that even if you have a loaded magazine in your pocket and the gun on your back in the sling the police can and do still class it as a loaded weapon.hope this helps guys.
  14. also if shooting on a farm get a hand full of food out of the hopper or food store and put it in your place of choice this is what the rat will of been feeding on and will not be susspicious of it but I still like peanut butter best.hope this helps.
  15. Personly I have had a lot of air rifles in both calibers but for me its 177 all the way I have never realy found 22 to have more stoping power 177 is more forgiving in the sense that you dont have to be quite as precise with range as 177 has a flater trejectory but it is down to personel preferance.
  16. I have a rapid 17 mk1 wich I have had for 10 years and its my number 1 but its not for every body a lot of my mates that have tried it dont like it because there front heavy with the bottle I also have had many air riffles and have a s410 classic in 177 and this is the next best thing to my rapid in my opinion price wise weight and performance I think the s410 is the best air rifle on the market IMO as the rapids are dear and people find them heavy I personly wouldnt buy any thing else other than the two I have.
  17. same as mate I make sure to piss them first as well. carnt beat the fling unless your stood in front of the f**ker doing the flinging my so called mate has covered me on a number of occasions.
  18. I usaly give mine till about six month before I work them dont know why just a habbit I have got into I allways start off with little 2 or 3 holers works for me. and I would allways choose a hob to snip because one hob can serve many jills as needed were as youd have to have all your jills done so would cost a fortune.hope this was helpfull.
  19. yeh shot a couple full of young last week. good scran for the ferrets.
  20. already got them on photo bucket just dont know how to get them from there on to here? I have the same problem I have uploaded my pics from my documents onto photo bucket just dont know what to do next any help would be very much appreciated.
  21. I bet the first person to cross a bull greyhound was in the pub mentioned what he had crossed and his mates laughed there cocks off at him now look so I say f**ck it nothing ventured nothing gained give it ago wilf and keep us posted on them hope they turn out to be the bollocks for you.
  22. what a shame mate hope you get them back in same nick as they where taken in and if you catch the f***ers string em up by there bolocks mate best of luck
  23. As a bait peanut butter is the tackle mate it keeps there attention long enough for a good clean shot allways try for the head shot and night with the lamp has allways been my choice of attack try a red fillter as well they work a treat.Hope this helps you bud
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