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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. The day before you go feed him in the morning then leave him till you come home so he has an empty stomach but not starving,also like was said before give him rabbit to eat might turn his nose up at it take it outleav him a couple of days then try him with anouther allways take them out same day or theyl go rank and also get a pelt and a long peice of plastic tubing put pelt in it attached to a piece of string and pull it through the pipe with ferret entered make it a game and this will also give exercise give it a try you got nowt to lose.
  2. That was a quality clip of father and son bonding carnt wait till my kids are old enough to take out try'd with my lal lad but he's not got the patience yet,well lets hope the ramsays get a couple of ferrets and take it up as a hobby past time and way of life.
  3. my mate's staff had bald patches vet treated for ring worm. I never saw it he just described it to me so ive never seen ring worm on a dog but just a thought with the loss of hair in random patches. If im well wrong no snoty replies as I have said never seen it just a thought.
  4. oh well cheers mate looks like he was right he said it stated in the buck it was a method for rabbit pelts so must work on both I thought battery acid would of been bit harsh and bunrnt the pelt have to eat hummble pie now tell him he was right. bummer.
  5. Fecking killed me that..............mines only 8 months, but done the same!!!!!!!!! Me too I have little girl 1 and little lad 3 stuck at work on security so carnt go and check so just rang home mrs could tell something wrong straight away.
  6. Anouther arm chair snarer good on giving advice not so good at catching rabbits proberbly tought how to snare by his grandad and never got around to trying it out. I also was told four fingers never cought a bloody thing then I read a couple of articles by glen and these did the trick far from a pro but at least now I get a few
  7. you should be a man and do what i do . build a kennel she cant see into and only keep black dogs. s##t shes coming :11: I usaly just turn up with them but only got a new dog 6wks ago not worth the divorce.
  8. This has just knocked me sick every familys worse nightmare my little boy is my life and my little girl dont know what id do with out them so sorry to hear this. GOD BLESS TO THE FAMILY RIP LAL FELLER
  9. Give them a wide birth mate my mate bought what was smeant to be a tasco and it looks the part but my mate couldnt get them zerod properly and then they knocked out of line all the time just areal pain in the arse mate a lot of the air rifle shops sell second hand scopes fairly cheap.
  10. Thats cheap mate wouldnt of thought youd of had any bother getting good holmes for them would of snaped your hand off but ive got two young dogs that both need bringin on and my mrs would kill me if I brought another dog home not to mention a pup good luck finding holmes for them there crackers.
  11. Spot on hornman il give that a bash. and using the salt is the way I usaly do them is the same as you shooter08 but I pin them streched out on a board then scrape them to remove the flesh then I salt them. cheers guys
  12. Get mrs to get needle and thread out and make that dog a blue pair of tights and a red cape its a little belter mate good bag for an hours graft
  13. i ll get you the pup . you get the chiwawa thats a tidy little pup mate what a cracker
  14. looks like a right weapon mate good strong dog just hope you can find some fighting rabbits to do him justice :11:
  15. Does any body have a good way of curing rabbit pelts because I have scrapped them before and salted them but a friend of mine said he has seen a book that said car battery acid and bicarbonate soda think hes taking the piss I laghed at him but he is adamant about it so does any body have any better ways or outher ways and has any body heard of this with acid because I think it will f**k em.
  16. I went deerhound x and second choice would have been beddy x
  17. I would recamend a little bedlington whippet cracking little dogs for rabbits how ever you hunt them.
  18. Its the best feeling there is bud but dont expect to much out of a young dog and dont over do it its easy to dihearten a young dog enter it slow and steady trie to get it out with an expeirenced lamping dog.
  19. Travelers know how to talk to travelers and most wont give a flatty the time of day if you know a couple of handy travelers get them to go around tell them the situation and theyl have a better chance of sorting it but I wouldnt be paying for the privelidge of owning my own dog show them you have back up and the last thing there gonna want is to be in a fued with an outher family over a dog because they never mean as much to them as it will to you and a lot of people profess to be travelers when there not is this prick on a site? I wouldnt go around shouting the odds to start with let the lad
  20. i don't know if dogs go for the throat instinctivly but only a stupid dog will keep on getting bitten on the face?! Or a real hard one. A lot of pre ban fox dogs were very effective at the job in hand the odd bite is inevitable but rare to get very serious injurys from this type of work.
  21. cracking dogs doing what them dogs do best the sooner they lift this stupid bloody ban the better.
  22. alright mate he is beddy x grey first cross he is 14 month old a lad had him and lost intrest never been out before I got him about 2 months ago now just learning but he is getting there hes had a couple on lamp.cheers
  23. hares could also be lamped there are people that say they dont run at night and there easy to take on lamp and no sport I think people that say this have never lamped one.
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