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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. can respect that bud nice one I have seen lads with dogs that make catching conney look hard so this is a bit inbeetween rabbit and daytime hares still takes a good dog to take a lamped hare ive heard storys of people picking them up with there hands with the lamp and that its just like the dogs picking up sitters to these people I say you have never lamped a hare or not so many any how.
  2. Thanks for your contributions on this topic if we all agreed on everything there wouldnt need to be a thl so thanks mate and I have started a new topic on the hare subject just to see what outher people's views are as well think it will be a good one so your input would be most welcome on this as well .
  3. How come mate? not being funny but it would take a good fit pup to take one even on the lamp I dont think a dog should see a hare till at least 15month lamped or not just my opinion though doubled up I spot on mate
  4. nice one jbs. Now thats what im talking about micky well in mate good bag so I guess you find it sporting then spot on lads thanks for the replies more pics and replies any body?
  5. How come mate? not being funny but it would take a good fit pup to take one even on the lamp I dont think a dog should see a hare till at least 15month lamped or not just my opinion though
  6. looking good mate nice dogs start them off slowly couple of dead certs and then home dont over do it theyl make little bellters
  7. I know there was a bit of an ongoing argument on this subject but back in the day when we were aloud to coarse hairs how many of you lamped them and whats peoples feelings on this proberbly just set my self up for anouther long drawn argument and slagging off but hear we go some think it wasnt sporting and some love it. I have read on a couple of topics on hear about hares arnt lamped well hear were I live they used to be lamped by all. thoughts on this please.
  8. I same as with this lad mate some of these guys on make you feel like your a liar (I dont think where getting the full story) well it didnt happen to me so maybe mateys full of shit but carnt see why hed lie and the thing with the motors is right because its happened to a few around here but they wont f**cking ave it on here will they the first post was how do you prove you werent hare coursing and they keep on about permision and I dont think that proves nowt only your allowed on the land you get some old dear sees you with dog and lamp next thing is there on the blower to the old bill saying
  9. I same as with this lad mate some of these guys on make you feel like your a liar (I dont think where getting the full story) well it didnt happen to me so maybe mateys full of shit but carnt see why hed lie and the thing with the motors is right because its happened to a few around here but they wont f**cking ave it on here will they the first post was how do you prove you werent hare coursing and they keep on about permision and I dont think that proves nowt only your allowed on the land you get some old dear sees you with dog and lamp next thing is there on the blower to the old bill saying
  10. So the police stopped you questioned you ,then let you go,then the same police came and confiscated your car ,which you had to pay £150 to get returned to you? I'm sorry this doesn't make any sense.On what basis did they confiscate your car ? Did you make a formal complaint out? If not why not? same happened to a local lad around hear spent 4 days in durahm while it was sorted they did not have a thing on him and when police impound a car they usaly get a garage to recover them then you are liable to pay for the impounding and the recovery of the vehicle even if proven inocent. Are yo
  11. I allways skin them but it can dry the meat out when cooking put some bacon on it like you would with turkey works for me
  12. The things you see when you havnt got your lurcher with you what a bugger eh. :headshot::
  13. All the more reason to carry written permission for rabbits, what you do after that !!!!! You would think that goes without saying wouldn't you? Apparently not! permision only proves your allowed on the land hunting doesnt prove what your hunting for cum on lads permision doesnt sort out everything.
  14. So the police stopped you questioned you ,then let you go,then the same police came and confiscated your car ,which you had to pay £150 to get returned to you? I'm sorry this doesn't make any sense.On what basis did they confiscate your car ? Did you make a formal complaint out? If not why not? same happened to a local lad around hear spent 4 days in durahm while it was sorted they did not have a thing on him and when police impound a car they usaly get a garage to recover them then you are liable to pay for the impounding and the recovery of the vehicle even if proven inocent.
  15. Its funny. I think its just meant as a laugh surely.
  16. what area are you in? is there not a few boys on this forum that live close enough to him to lend a hand next time it could be your dog thats been chored by the fuckers strength in numbers.
  17. yeh cheers biffo my mate recons it makes them soft they dont go stiff and makes them easy to stich and so on but it was battery acid bicarb and something else I think, So im trying to get hold of him to ask what it was when I find out ill post it on hear for you to have a look at.
  18. Not all plod know the laws on hunting ,but most of the posts I have read indicate that those pulled up were on land without permission ,so whether they were running rabbits or hares is beside the point really. As to the "guilty ,until proved innocent" theory ,I think where this is most glaringly apparent is under the Badger Act, where the onus appears to be on you to prove you are not guilty. Bottom line if you are on land without permission ,you must expect a tug now and then .Its interesting that the Bill appear to be lumping all coursing people with the term thieves and vandals ,judging by
  19. Alright everyone just sat thinking about the recent avents including rabbiting hare coursing and the old bill there seems to be a lot of lads taking flack from copers that dont know there own law I know of a couple of lads now that have been pulled up accused of hare coursing when they have stated that they have only been after conney they have been told to prove it well my thinking is if you have caught bugger all and you have a lurcher and a lamp and have been spoted lamipng how the hell can you prove what you have been after and even if you have rabbits with you that doesnt prove you wheren
  20. defenetly survivors of mixy like was said above try to release these were you can to improve imune systems in future rabitts and dont worry about the eating there still good you can eat rabits with mixy not very pleasing to look at but cause no harm to human, dog, or ferret.
  21. I have same problem with long arsed lurchers and two staffs tabasco works for me but now one of lurchers got a taste for it you could allways try peanut butter as well clag its gob up for a while.
  22. Thank god some one started this what the hell is FAO any ideas got me beat thanks guys
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