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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. I have been told there are quiet a few vets that retire from practises but still do the odd bit from home like stiching and muscle damage and diagnosis there is meant to be one around penrith but just seems to be rumore just wondered if there is any body lives around there that knows of any body or any were in the cumbria area really any help would be spot on cheers.
  2. same as above realy how do you stich your dogs and when do you know to stich.
  3. Alright mate I use fullers earth powder I have got away with using this on a couple of rips that have been borderline on having them stiched and it has allways worked great for me get it at any chemist for a couple of quid.
  4. yeh I was told its legal in ireland but not england they wanted to know where I got them and everything needless to say told them f**k all because I still get them now bloody price hasnt half shot up tho they said if they found out I had jabbed anouther dog even one of my own id be done next time and it would be time.so was this clown chating shit then I can jab as long as its my dog at the time and Idont have the drugs in my house?
  5. welcom bud hope you injoy it some good folks on here
  6. This was my scruffy little bitch bit big for going to ground but a mean ratter and good bushing dog till some d**kless arse hole stole her.
  7. seems to have lasted longer the night it died i ran the battery right down making sure it was drained and then charged it up over night and all day and it looks as if it has worked not sure yet. put ive got me self a lightforce 170 and battery pack for crimbo so not too arsed if it f*cks up yeh spot on mate the 170 the next thing on my hit list as, well the clulight has been alright but just doesnt seem bright enough now I have used my mates 170 wich is strange because the clulight lamps are 1million candle and the 170 are a million candle but the beam is much brighter and has a lot more r
  8. I get it every week and the story's in it are just that they are story's I would like to read a true account of what realy happened something like I took my lurcher pup out lastnight for the first time saw a squater slipped the pup it ran right over the rabbit, wouldnt look in the beam ran in to me and put me on my arse twice then finaly coarsed a rabbit and it got away the dog hunted up and f****d off for two hours with me chasing it like a silly twat went home and we had got f**k all in the night gonna try again tomorrow. rather than I went out missed the first rabbit and then cought the nex
  9. Probably there dogs were not good enough to do them in the day time, to me there is No sport in Lamping hares, those little long ears could give great sport, and when you witnessed, a good course, in daylight, the rest is second best, thats why I dislike, the shooting of those fellows, and the lamping of them, I have had fantastic sport, with them, over the past 50 years, and I can honestly say I had some of the best dogs, at that job, and for me there was No better,cross, COLLIE X GREYHOUND, THIRTY ODD YEARS AGO, we never saw or heard of the saluki x yes there are some some of that breed are
  10. Probably there dogs were not good enough to do them in the day time, to me there is No sport in Lamping hares, those little long ears could give great sport, and when you witnessed, a good course, in daylight, the rest is second best, thats why I dislike, the shooting of those fellows, and the lamping of them, I have had fantastic sport, with them, over the past 50 years, and I can honestly say I had some of the best dogs, at that job, and for me there was No better,cross, COLLIE X GREYHOUND, THIRTY ODD YEARS AGO, we never saw or heard of the saluki x yes there are some some of that breed ar
  11. The fens is just a poor mans waterloo cup
  12. temprementle bloody things I had a shetland follow me and the dog around this feild one night and it kept trying to kick the dog and bite it so I slapped it on the arse the little b&*tard kicked me right in the stones I went down like a sack of s**t and then took a couple to the body managed to keep my head owt the road if id of had a big bull cross I would of coarsed the f**ker my mate was with me and he just rolled on the floor pissing him self laughing.
  13. spot on mate how long did battery last this time was it still s**t or did it hold a bit more charge for you.
  14. :11: Thats one bird I wouldnt mind stuffing and slow roasting.
  15. they have gone right down the shiter and carnt see why any body would join or re join next they will be promoting the bloody LACS.
  16. My dad always tells me its the quiet people you watch out for there the dangerous one's not the gob shites and your right runforyourlife it gets boring reading them after a bit same old shit different thread. Any ways bud hope you get ferret back its a real shitter wether lost or stolen good luck pal.
  17. I have a clue light same as mate went from getting 2-3 hours to 30 mins from a full charge with the 7ah wich I bought from new lasted 5 years though so carnt complain now I have a 17ah battery and I use a car battery charger on it and I havent run it flat yet even on full nights lamps so I would get anew battery mate.
  18. I injected my own pups and nearly got jailed for it, police and defra agents came to house and the lot it was only that I wasnt a breeder and I had a small litter of only 3 pups that they didnt do me for it they said a vet had found out and reported me and that it is only legal in ireland how right this is I dont know but I still inject my own dogs but would never do it for any body else or for pups that are to be sold.
  19. well im 25 with two kids little lad 3 and lal lass 1 little lad comes with me but hes hard work. im going as grey as a badger but thought I was still a young huner till I read this topic.
  20. you can pick them up cheap second hand now about £30 - £40 you want a proper lamp bud gun mounted the logun are a good little lamp or the deben tracers.A torch just doesnt cut it.
  21. Alright mate I think most of cumbria is the same mate fields water logged and not a right lot to ave a good run at but best of luck with it bud.
  22. but im a poacher sorry Here here whatever do you mean
  23. thats the way boys say it loud say it proud Iused to lamp hares
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