I carnt believe they could ban hunting and make civil partnership legal well done to the pope there place's around me in woods that would be great for walking dogs but you darent go with your kids because of arse bandits buggering each outher. So much for doing it behind closed doors. :sick:
The feller that came for me from defra said it was only to do with money and that it is stealing from the vets he said 3 pups 2 initial jabs £30 each x3 then one every 6 month booster at £30 x3 for usaly about 12 years average age of a terrier =£2340 the vet lost out on from jabbing your own litter thats what pisses them off robbing b*****ds I was only paying £5 a dog gone up to £15 a dog now though.
spot on feller only good grey is a dead one. Has any body seen a black one yet read in our local rag that a couple have been spoted meant to be worse than the greys
just been ofered one of these half an hour ago free to good home due to a couple spliting up but I carnt have it got too much on any body near kendal,south lakes fancy it I can proberbly get you the number if it hasnt gone yet.
I use salt water or the violet antiseptic spray from any farmers supplie carnt remember name now has ,chicken, dog, cat, sheep and a horse on tin about £4 and then fullers earth powder to dry the wound and pack it.
cheers jim sounds spot on Iwill buy this book and have a read so have you heard of people using fishing hooks then is it a well known and practiced way I know people use fishing line thats what the old lad who used to stich my dogs used but never heard of using the hook.
thanks again jim.
cheers lads I have no intension of it my dogs are insured any way and before that I had an old boy around the corner from me used to do them it was just a question of intrest not instructions proberbly worded wrong when I have been out with lads and dogs have been cut they allways ask each other do you think it needs stiches. I always see if a cut will stop bleeding and start to heal naturaly within reason and if in any douts I go to the vet but I just wondered how you judge what needs stiches and what doesnt. I carnt stich a pair of pants wouldnt try on my dogs and the how question was again
well said that man. there are many dogs as said that wont catch a hare in day time but would still find it hard to catch a hare at night and just as many hares would get away as would be cought with a dog like this.wich is just as sporting as a faster dog taking them in the daytime and any animal wich is pursued to excess wether day or night will see a reduction in numbers.
went out tuesday nothing about got 2 runs 2 rabbits but well pleased with dog as he just starting was meant to go out last night but we called it off at last minute as there was fog like pea soup if its not frost snow or rain now its f*****g fog.Going out tonight defenetly.