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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. sorry for your loss mate he was a good looking dog.
  2. I got about eight diferent bites on my hand, f ingers are like ballons and nails are black with no feelings in fingers I have to keep getting poison out of them and disinfecting them but stich isnt limping as bad today so at least he's ok thats the main thing
  3. I know nothing about spear fishing but I would love to have a go at bow fishing but hunting with a bow in this country is ilegal so I presume fishing with one is ilegal too
  4. :11: Then next door to me probably think that about my husband Well, most of the ones I've seen are unsightly but I've yet to see a dangerous one :laugh: dangerouse enough if you got it in your eye luv you wouldnt want it twice
  5. Well I take my dog stich out a couple of times a day and get him jumping because I have only had him a couple of months and he had nothing done with him. Since getting him he has taken a few rabbits on every outing but he needed confidence in his jumping he wines at obsticles before he jumps them well today he was jumping well and I have been seeing big improvments in him but today he jumped a fence and when landing managed to get his leg cought up in the sheep fencing and was hanging by his leg for a split second as I grabbed him straight away the problem was he grabbed me straight away and h
  6. I have owned a european eagle owl many are kept imprinted to make them placid my female was untouched for two years and her owner was frightened of her but I got her and manned her up and she never realy took to being handled bt would just about put up with it I have been bit by a pit bull and have been footed by my owl and I tell you now the presure in the tallons was more than the dog bite by a hell of a lot and there is no doubt in my mind that one of these birds would take and kill a fox with no real injury birds of prey arnt thick and know what they can eat while alive and [bANNED TEXT] t
  7. That looks nasty but it happens hope it dosent set you's back for too long.
  8. Some cracking pics there and a realy bonny dog
  9. Snap!!!! I same here boys have heard that one many a time. Just a thought maybe I should take the baliclaver off before I ask.
  10. maybe your in a better area where I am theres farms all around us and they are either part of the shooting cyndicat or the farmers just will not give you the time of day I dont know wether it is down to they have been taken advantage of before or live stock been damaged or what but its bloody hard getting permision around here.
  11. Times are harder for most people at the moment than ever there were people I havent got for yet but will get for in the new year in the sales but I told theme the situation maybe he's just embarased to mention he's skint and will get you something in the sales you never know
  12. There brilliant well done pet would like to see some wildlife drawings if you do some my mate used to do cartoon then he went on to do deer,badgers,fox,rabbit and dogs realy good but he dosent draw any more no time with work and drink he says.
  13. looked the double of my house christmas morning thank god its only once a year and at least you got four arms and heat blast to help clean up
  14. Thats f***ing awfull mate realy feel for you and the lad. Police are like tits on a fish f*****g useless hope you get sorted owt soon mate and get the boy back home with you. I hope you have a better new year.
  15. Alright mate just wondered if theres any more news on yer dog and how he is doing. Good luck with him I hope he is ok
  16. I have a deerhound x and there prone to getting the shits and I allways run him. Imo it would be fine.
  17. I was up at 5.00 woke my mrs and kids up to open presents because I had to be in work for 6.00 didnt get to bed till 2.00 after sorting everything out im knackered :lazy:
  18. Merry christmas to all men,women and kids on THL hope santa brought everybody what they wanted ALL THE BEST TO ALL
  19. nice one mate glad you got her back safe and sound.
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