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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. Yeh guys I saw it too not just a bloody coincidence is it :realmad:
  2. Maybe in your area, but it no longer happens in my area unfortunately and that is the reason for the project you really are a wanker arent you mate... whats with all the slagging people off and swearing at them your a proper little gob shite nothing wrong with debate but no need to keep ripping the back out of someone whether you agree with them or not. and countryboyo well done feller keep at it mate good to see your willing to do something for your sport
  3. bowness and windermere its only an hour past blackpool there is loads to do there is also a good zoo close by at dalton were you can get up close to the animals and feed them as well as some of the best veiws in the country well worth a try.
  4. both a couple of cracking dogs there lads.
  5. spot on mate some good pictures there mate and :welcomeani:
  6. Some farmers are just on a power trip and dont even need to see a dog worry sheep to shoot them some are just plain nob heads and I dont see poaching as a good enough reson to shoot someones dogs I saw a feller get two red setters shot because they were off there lead's the feller was crying and the farmer said they should of been under control wich they were they were just off there leads and walking aboute twenty yards from the owner it was in all the local rags about it. What a wanker.
  7. I dont think this gives the antis any amunition we are a hunting forum people make mistakes when either young and inpatient or just starting out and impatient or in many cases ill informed this is why we feel the need to discuss things like this and help to steer people on the right path and I think the response of this thread is a mainly 90% possitive one.
  8. I have had a couple but the catches have gone on them all and have also had them slip the dog when not intended they look the part but can be a real pain in the arse.
  9. people say they have done it but this could of only been pot luck I shot a crow in flight when I was a kid and this was just luck and no I would not try it again. I dont have a shotgun or shotgun ticket but if I felt the need to shoot flying birds I would get one its just horses for coarses.
  10. Quality mate and a real show of a true countryman shooting them one way or an outher
  11. I shoot them with my 177 12flb s410 allways have allways will and it drops them stone dead but I allways make sure I get the head shot. And I would get asecond hand s410 should be able to pick one up for what you want to spend.
  12. Yeh fair play bud worded it wrong but you hit the nail on the head.
  13. boxers don't do hardly any weightlifting due to muscle build up slowing them down I used to do a bit and got a right bollocking for body building whilst boxing dont know if this applies to dogs as well but there might be some logik in what your mate said Just a thought.
  14. looks like the fox is trying to give the phesant one. only kidding mate thats spot on that it looks great.
  15. congratulations any ways and remember spare the stick ruin the wife. (Hope my mrs doesnt read that) :11:
  16. Chin up mate . in any thing you do in life your gonna come across nobs this will never be any different why let the win?
  17. Just thought id take the time to wish you all a very happy new year and all the best for 2009 and plent of good sport lets hope there is more rabbits this year than last
  18. Not very nice bud and why is it a stupid question? And I would say a greyhound as well.
  19. bloody hell that sounds hellish mine seem to be healing well now so think ive been lucky this time I was bit by an APBT a few year back that was a mess still have scars and a knackered wrist but its all in the name of fun.
  20. LMAO Good to see northern intelligence at it's best. Who needs jokes. And Harry was doing so well. I think you avatar says it all Halfinch. oh thats what it is I thought it was just a random southern bird you were shaging. What's wrong with my Avatar? That's my Uncle Bob from Barnsley that is.
  21. sorry for your familys loss and god bless to you all just take care of the boy get him out with you hunting ocupie his mind a bit. RIP.
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