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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. Well thats it realy its just the longer range shots with out the cost of 22 bullets at £8 for a tin of 500 pellets there's a bit of a price difference.
  2. I hd one and sold it for £60 was out of work and mam died needed money for flowers and that was all the tight old b*****d would pay for it because he knew my back was against the wall good guns but dont tend to sell for a right lot id be cheekey and try him at £200-£250 he can only say no
  3. That is not what Will suggested though, is it? Still agree with him? oops, typng error. Didnt mean to say in the eye. Meant in the head You realy are twat a pure f*****g gob shite the sooner they kick you off here the better it will be
  4. yes but how much better is it you tell me is it power no it is only the looks and the name yes or no they look better, handle better. They are usually made better and more accurate. If you have a 12ft.lb westlake B2, and a 12ft.lb Theoben MFR, which one do you think is better My mate has an mfr and it has been nowt but trouble I think hed rather have the westlakes mate lol.
  5. Spot on mate welcome to thl and back to the sport.
  6. rather than critisise over what he called them wouldnt it serve better to give some advice you being a mod and all just a thought mate people arnt going to want to use this site if all there gonna get is grief every time they post I know that ferrets have kits but have refered to them as babys my self as have most. Look for weight gain a change in temprement can sometimes happen and she should go out of season if she is in with any outher ferrets mate your best to seperate them just in case and give her some extra food and handle her suporting her belly good luck pal.
  7. I have one of these knives there good but I prefer a good pen knive less bulk to carry around and if you get pulled the old bill dont even know your carrying a knife
  8. Just thought of another I never stand on a snail it makes it rain
  9. Never heard the playing card one before It was something passed on from my grandfather I think its because if there in the house theres allways the temptation of playing for money and losing well thats what I put it down to any way but dont realy know funny how you can take on outher peopels ways.
  10. I wont have an umberella open in the house,allways give a silver coin for a knife even if bought at a shop,no playing cards in the house,never walk under ladders never let a black cat cross my path,all ways give a bit of luck money to any body who buys something from me and kiss maggy's on say taileys or long tails in stead of rat just a few I do.
  11. Well done to ted and you lads cracking bag and a good looking dog
  12. IMO I think it looks like staff x collie mate and I wouldnt line it pups are strugling at the moment like was said even well thought out croses not just mongrell x pups they dont stand a chance even if given away its a buyers market at the moment
  13. Seen one a few year back in the lake district near where I live but this could of come from up the highlands and it was seen for a few months then dissapeared and returned the following year same again for the next couple of years then it wasnt seen again around here I saw it from parker moor whilst trails riding.
  14. I have met a few like this up there own arse I had a hell of a time getting into falconry and found most would not give any advice unless it was for a price but lookily my freind had been into falconry a few years previously but had to give it up when he got divorced and had to move into a flat so luckily for me any info I wanted was there for me and he came with me to collect my first bird and has got into it again him self wich is great. If bob the nob asks again tell him were to go manners cost nothing but can get you a lot and a long way in life.
  15. Cracking idea well if any thing turns up i cumbria il do it and can use any methode they like exept poisoning them many thanks chris
  16. I have read a couple of books that have stated in them that mesh floors are better for ferrets feet than a wooden base I dont use mesh my self but know a few that do I think its just a preference thing realy, my freinds have no bother with any foot problems and the ferrets seem happy to walk on the mesh. So each to there own mate bonny ferrets and good luck with them
  17. knot know of any bodys dogs withthis before but it sounds a bit nasty mate hope all ends up well for the dog keep us posted on it micky. chris.
  18. to be truthfull mate I only use acupell in my guns and heaver pellets can still go through tin sheet roofs and can still cause damage to stuff mate. cheers. chris.
  19. Nice one mate il give him a try I have been in there a few times good old lad that has it ive been on to fawcets and they said they carnt get them now theoben wont sell them to private owners shops only now the reason I dont use the hut is the old lad didnt do a lot with air rifles at the time but was allways good for a tin of pellets has he gone more into the air rifles now? pm me cheers sean
  20. I know what most are gonna think but its not what you think I have an evolution and the lad I got it off has been messing and let the air out of gas ram for shooting rats and pigeons in barns and it is set at about 6ftlb wich is no good to me for rabbits but I have a slim jim pump and want an adaptor for it to fit my evolution because I would like to be able to drop presure for rats and pigeons but pump it back up for rabbits I have a crono and have no intension of putting my gun up above 11.5ftlb but my nearest gun shop is 100mile away and at a tenner a time to blow gun up and the £20 to get
  21. nice one mate and nice to see that you did actualy eat what you shot I have heard people go on about eating rabbit,squirell and pigeon but half the time people talk shit ive known lads shoot all of the above and just leave them were there shot total waste of good meat. so well done mate
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