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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. Spot on mate, what camera are you using sean pictures look good, you been doing much?
  2. Nice photos sean are the shots of the deer at milenthorpe? there are a lot around ulverston at the moment got some photos of some a couple of weeks ago.
  3. I think it is more respectful and less stresfull for the animal to be pts at the hands of some one it knows and trusts rather than at the hands of a stranger that just sees it as anouther meal ticket if any of mine need pts I do it quickly and respectfuly.
  4. marsh's sas, jhonny 7 gun, dutch arrows made with a nail a cain and a couple of playing cards as flights, buying single fags, geordies, kids playing kirby,milk from a vending machine and fags,milk with cream in the top. just a few of the top of my head.
  5. My lurchers have ate a few moggys but not fancied it my self.
  6. I have known lads get dogs older that havent been out and have made good workers obviously every dog is different but they should be fine mate people get rescues and work them older than one year old get them out bud and give them a run just make sure there steady with stock.
  7. As for the acupell wrecking guns I have put them through my rapid 17 mk1 for the last ten years and it has done nothing to it and have used them in every outher gun I have owned and had no problems with them but I would allways use a good pellet and these are imho a good pellet.
  8. Jesus tonight £300 I gave £130 for one about 6 years ago when people still used them.
  9. Realy dont rate the cometa and for not too much more money you could own a decent gun like a weihrauch or a good second hand pcp I would save some more money and forget about them and get something thats going to do the job day in day out and last.
  10. I have owned quite a few bop and swear by harris hawks if you had a male last time why not try for the bigger female or if you are wanting something different try a red tail they are good birds and imo they have a bit more prey drive than the harris but take a bit more time spending with them and are more aggresive and dont have the dog like loylty that the harris has.
  11. My dad uses a prooning knife it is years old with the shefield steel eye logo on botom of the blade he swares by it and has asked for a new one for his birthday as his old one is a bit worse for where through years of sharpening but still keeps a razor edge when I get him one I am going to get one my self and he can retire the old one wich is about 60 years old given to my dad by his uncle.
  12. Get it every week think its just force of habbit but it has gone down the pan and am getting pissed off with it.
  13. Yeh mate I think the complete lurcher was a cracker and jackie drakeford the working lurcher I found to be a good read.
  14. Velcro gloves and wellys all round aye lads
  15. Thanks all apart from the twat that put up the thread what starts in f and ends in k now im in agony even more
  16. Well I had a busy day yesterday whent for a mooch with air rifle got a woody and a rabbit pics going up in air rifle section then whent out with camera and got these Then whent ratting and before we started while I was carrying the gear I fell over and broke three ribs and spent 8hrs in the ozzy.
  17. Whent to clear some rats yesterday arrived at my mates small holding with terriers and smoker the small holding is on a banking while walking on the banking with the gear I slipped and landed on the corner of a rail way sleeper found it hard to breath whent to hospital and found out 8hours later I have 3 broken ribs and am in agony and going to be out of action for a while talk about pissed off
  18. compleatly wrong on so many levels who would in there right mind put two young kiddes through the care system aspecialy when they have family who whant them this is a piss take two mushys carnt have kids for a f*****g reason and only a pair of sick fucks would do this to the kids :realmad:
  19. Yeh the same old ferreters that used to snap teeth feed slops and starve there ferrets for days before taking them out for a days sport and not handling them and keeping them vioucous mate you want to take most of what you think you know forget it then start from scratch because you have obviously been tought by somebody that doesnt have a clue.
  20. I love comedy lee evans, chubbs,bernard richard pryer,bernie mac, eddy murphy billy connely but my all time star has to be jethro chubby and lee evans use some of his material he is a legend carnt believ no one has mentioned him yet he's from st just.
  21. Got rid of a few birds threw there knaging about my dogs fishing and hunting but the mrs is alright with it so she can stay. Her and kids come first but would never let them come between me and my hunting becuase its something I try and make them part of especialy my kids there bunny bashers in the making.
  22. Hope you get the dogs back mate and I hope you give the b*****ds what they deserve and some more after that and I am glad to see that you didnt start with dirty theiving p***y or gypsy scum and all the outher bullshit your top man for that mate and once again good luck.
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