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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. I hate bruce forsyth pervy old twat,little f*****g einstiens,micky mouse club house,bill the nob head oddie,fred the homo weather man,heather mills and paul mcartney and alan carr.They all realy boil my piss.
  2. I also have fallen victim to all of the above at one time or an other its a real pain in the arse
  3. When I started keeping ferrets a good few years ago I got a rabbit hutch that was meshed with chicken wire off some one, the day my new ferrets arrived I was made up the next morning they were gone they chewed straight threw the chicken wire but I got one back later that day and the outher three days later I wouldnt risk it bud just get some decent weld mesh and re do it and save your self the ball ache of looking for lost ferrets.
  4. alright mate I just use a watered down pine disinfectant and like jasper said dont soke it just spray rinse and re grease never done my birds any harm bud.
  5. Dont disturb her mate just leave well alone and let her do her thing bud the worst thing you can do is interfear and upset her.
  6. Buggers might get stuck in burrow if they cant see only jocking bud,but I wouldnt breed from her but if there are any that are blind and you would be prepared to keep them and look after them as you have with youre current jill then go head mate.
  7. Whats it like with the old sheep mate she is a smart looking bitch I hope she gets a good settled home bud best of luck.
  8. Welcom back to the sport and to the site bud
  9. This is my deerhound x collie grey 2 years old he's not every ones cup of tea but he does what I need good on the lamp people said he would struggle on the pick up but he gets down to the rabbits no problems.
  10. Well done LDR t-shirts a f*****g classic and hats off to big bruce just goes to show what can be achieved with time and patients.
  11. Maybe you should of done a bit of reserch before breeding mate not aving ago just an idea bud
  12. I like shooting but my lurchers rate over the air rifle every time nothing beats the thrill of the chase.
  13. It was late at about 9.15 insted of 8.30 and it was wank wouldnt bother watching it, it was only on for about 5 mins.
  14. thanks UM They already know what I think and that I will be the one who puts an end to it lot of activity there the last couple of days. Myself I couldn't care less what anyone calls me, I do what I have to do and am more than happy to live with the consequences of my actions. With regard to a comment on an earlier reply on the outcome and the seven day thing, those dogs have been as good as dead from day one and the village folk who have had to listen to the sound of dogs in distress have all assumed it was our dogs, how convenient for the cruel barsteward. In a funeral that my wi
  15. well personly I would of gone around and made my feelings known and I would tell them I was the one reported them so it was in the open that is the only thing I would have done different to you al to give them the chance to sort it with out all the shit but al I can understand you don't want no reprocutions off this and think you have done the right thing bud and take no notice of all the wana be ard men mummy will be putting them to bed soon for the busy day ahead of them at school tommorow.
  16. I love all the I knew a man that knew a feller that had a collie or a lab or a terrier that would pick up hares on the lamp what a load of bollocks any thing can be taken off the sit or near as damn it but that doesnt mean there easy just cought unaware by a good dog right time right place and when all the replies come in of my collie can do it back it up with a video clip or some sort of proof not just hear say.Nothing wrog with a lamped hare and they can put some bloody good runs in.
  17. We have wheelie bins they won't take any bags so I chored a spare bin from an empty house around the corner and use one for house waste and one for dog and ferret shit never had a problem.
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