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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. Yeh I use these in my dogs water cheap and do the trick cant go wrong.
  2. Yeh I saw this on the news last night f*****g result scummy b*****d got every thing he deserved good on the old lad.
  3. she has a bit of skin irritation from before I got her but it is clearing ok now with good old hibi scrub
  4. If you hit a rabbits lugs it makes one hell of a crack as if it was a head shot. I would say that nearly every experianced shooter has shot a rabbit and was shure it was dead just to see it run off when they aproached it, it is just unlucky
  5. First pcp I owned and I rated it realy good gun bit dated now but if its not to much coin then get it bought mate you wont be disapointed.
  6. Yeh snotty bully used to catch them with my hands when I was a kid
  7. I am no expert mate but I think it would be ok and it would be a bit of company for the lab but he might not appreciate being tormented by a pup and might result in fighting a bitch might be a better option because there would be less chance of fighting but if you socialise them well they should be fine hope that helps a bit mate atb with what ever you decide.
  8. I do not believe that has been done with one dog, I have had dogs all my life, from mid fifties to the present, AND i HAVE SEEN ALL THESE WONDER DOGS, but since the invention, of the home computer, the dog has been able to do wonderfull feats, I have only been on these hunting forums for a very short time, and it realy amazes me, what these wonder dogs can do, take the last lamping competition, that was run on here, two dogs each running single handed, on so called good ground, what was there best combined bag, nothing near the amazing 100, please lads wake up, It makes me so angry to hear and
  9. Yeh my mrs is a game lassy as well there worth there weight in salt well I got anouther 4 maggies yesterday I have to go and check it every couple of hours now as soon as I set it and turn my back there is anouther one in it only thing is charlie isnt getting a look in but im just happy it works and its catching. atb.chris
  10. got two pats at moment 1 nearly 6 the other 10mnths coming on nicely the old bitch has shown her the ropes,wouldnt mind a wippet next or wippet x bull Yeh I like the whippet x my mate has usefull whippet x colliegrey but its 11 now so he has just put it to a beddie x whippet and kept him self a pup.
  11. Well it was designed with charlie in mind but got this maggie mate and the bait has been wired in every time the bugger must of just sat there chewing at it rather than giving it a yank but the maggie isnt what has been raiding the trap every outher night im sure it is a fox,cat or was wondering if it could be a stoat because I saw two on the land yesterday this is my first crack at traping(apart from rats with my monarch) and making my own trap so im just made up ive caught in it.
  12. I only have one proper little terrier but she is 10 now still ok but just starting to show her age a bit but I got more into the running dogs and have stuck with them also I have a pair of staffs alright for bushing and pick up a few rats with them now and again.
  13. Yeh ive had rapids, daystates falcons and webleys and this is still the one I rate the best especialy in 177 carnt beat the good old AA s410 atb.
  14. Me and my old lad made this the outher day we started off with a tredel plate trigger this didnt work so we swaped for a bait hook trigger but the last couple of nights we have set it the next day all the bait has gone but not triggered the drop door so we made the trigger a bit more sensative and cought this greedy little sod tonight so thought I would throw a couple of pics up, the trap has been re baited and set il post pics of anything else I get in it Thanks for taking a look.
  15. Got these 5 rabbits of a horse padock were they have been causing havok 5 shots 5 kills with the s410 177 classic
  16. When ever some one has a good dog there will allways be some one that doesnt like it or that will slag it off mate thats life you only have to go to one of these dog shows and listen to some of the guys there to relise how much shit and bitching goes on in the working dog world take no f*****g notice pal.
  17. You only know what your told and that is why I came on hear and asked about the dog because I know nothing about the dog and too many people throw a good dogs name about and label any old shite with a good dogs name just to get a few extra quid for it and I wasnt going to tell people it is out of turk till I was sure it was or wasnt and now I know its not so maybe this pup is out of the brother that is in carlisle god knows f**k it il let the lad get rid of this pup him self and just hope it goes to a good home thanks for all the replies atb. the turk from carlisle is a diffrent one t
  18. You only know what your told and that is why I came on hear and asked about the dog because I know nothing about the dog and too many people throw a good dogs name about and label any old shite with a good dogs name just to get a few extra quid for it and I wasnt going to tell people it is out of turk till I was sure it was or wasnt and now I know its not so maybe this pup is out of the brother that is in carlisle god knows f**k it il let the lad get rid of this pup him self and just hope it goes to a good home thanks for all the replies atb.
  19. Cheers turk nice to know I will try and get this little bitch a good home just didnt want to tell people it was bred out of a dog I didnt know any thing about and get people on hear or where ever chalenging me on it.
  20. I hate arseholes that make generalisations. Yes, vets have to make money - doesn't everyone? At the end of the day it's a business - the bank manager won't cut them any slack just because they treated an animal, using drugs, supplies, staff time, kennel space, who's owner then didn't pay the bill. If he hasn't paid for previous treatments, then is he likely to pay for this one? If it had been a life threatening emergency, then they would have treated it. If you can't afford the necessary expenses for your animal, then why do you have them in the first place - owning any sort of an
  21. where are you my mate has a female harris 3years old in kendal cumbria in the molt at moment but takes fur and feather if your intrested il pm you his number just let me know mate.
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