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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. Alright feller nice to see some more locals coming on :welcomeani:
  2. Good looking dog mate take no notice looks spot on
  3. What a cock head. How come? You trying to tell me you enjoyed the video??? If so.......... DAMN!!! LOL, ok maybe I was harsh. I don't know the age of the guy or lass, he might be 7 for all I know...... Nice video mate, rabbit never stood a chance There ya go mush isnt it better to play nice
  4. The old bill are bang at all hunting at the moment in these areas and the best about it is the old bill that get called out to see to these situations usaly have very little knowledge of air gun laws any how (imo) I have come across problems with them a couple of time's like one time my house was raided because I had been seen dealing fire arms out of the back of my car down a farm lane and was seen with a big pistol and a sniper rifle turned out the sniper rifle was my rapid and the pistol was my old deben tracer lamp witch I was taking of the rifle after me and my mate had just been lamping
  5. Better yet dont hurt the dogs and go around and throw the flask of hot water at the owner and tell him to keep the dogs under control not the dogs fault the owner cant be arsed and hasnt trained and cared for them.
  6. I use salt water depending on the wound i use purple spray from the farmers suplies and some times fullers earth to dry the wounds up.
  7. I dont know kay but I couldnt hear any thing and it wasnt overly high in the sky when I saw it but it wasnt a lantern thats for sure I thought it was a helicopter at first but there was no noise and it was right above my head and it stopped when it got brighter before it fadded out its got me beat.
  8. seen it in ulverston about a fornight ago at about 11:30 same thing it went like a bat out of hell looked like a satalite but was a lot faster then it glowed up to about the size of an orange in the sky and the same couler then it just faded out then two days later my uncle saw it as well so if your mad kay I am right there with you the local paper reported some one else had seen one as well and they said it was a chinese lantern what a load of bollocks and I dont belive in little green men and am the most sceptical geeser youl ever meet but I saw this wid my own eyes.
  9. none them are working for me at the moment my face book is playing silly buggers will be joining both thoe
  10. By the way the wiskery old demon holding my dog is my dad
  11. Hears a couple of paddy 26tts deerhoundxgrey x colliexgrey.
  12. I give my dogs loads of tinned fish in oil they love it.
  13. dave platts and joe whooley not keen on this dvd but they did the art of ratting and ratting with plummer terriers and they were well worth a watch
  14. I cant belive all the nob heads on that outher thread hunting with dogs isnt right and all that and fox's shouldnt be hunted at all sound like a load of anti's to me this is a hunting site if you don't like what you see and read then f**k RIGHT OFF!
  15. here's a couple of pics of my bull greyhound x airdale greyhound she is one ugly bitch but she is hard as hell she backs out from nothing
  16. I was talking to a mate from cleater moor today and she is studying to be a vet but specialise in ferrets as its been her passion for years and she recons that a vet up workington recons that they have had a couple of ferrets in with swine flu I thoght she was having me on trying to pull my pisser but she is deadly serious still dont know if I belive this but there you go make of it what you will guy's
  17. Might be intrested if the price is right bud
  18. people like that should be bloody strung up
  19. I know a lad that had a pup it jumped a fence and got hung up and broke its leg and that has had a full good working life and it has never held the dog back but ive heard of more that have had to retire there dogs or have had them pts as a result of a broken leg so fingers crossed mate he will be fine hope everything works out ok for the both of you's.
  20. Yeh mate I use the same one the crock clips slip off the battery terminals when walking so i drilled mine and put a 10mm nut and bolt through the crock clips and battery terminals then they cant come off when out lamping and they can be removed fairly easy but mine is now spot on. I go to halfords and buy mine and the cigar plugs hope this helps mate atb.chris.
  21. Well I bought a clulight and it has been faultless but the beam isnt great I have tried the filters new reflectors and new bulbs and the beam still isnt fantastic so got a striker and it is spot on I rewired it as soon as I got it and I have had nothing but exellent results from it Ithink its a lot down to preference.
  22. Yeh cheers mate I was meant to get a bullx of anouther mate but it whent up to scotland on loan and whent in to a sheep and then it was fine up there for 6weeks and the day it was due to come back it whent in to anouther so I told my mate I wasnt intrested in it so he told the lad not to bring her home so my outher mate said I could buy this bitch instead wich is better for me because she has done a fair bit and been into plenty and works the lamp well but more importantly she is 100% with live stock.
  23. Alright mate I got her off a mate that had to take a job working away so he had no time for her and was paying a lad £50 a week to look after her but he got her off a lad that breeds them at workington.
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