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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. I use this old girl and am not disapointed I have had landrovers and all sorts and this takes some beating its economical,reliable gets anywhere and doesnt knock your pan out like a landy
  2. nice looking dogs mate and welcome to the site
  3. Hi mate personly I all ways used to use acupell in my s410 177 but I ran out one day and miss placed my new tin so had to use a tin of elley wasps I allways thought of these as rubbish hence the full tin wich some one gave me being in the cuboard for about 5 years but when in need so I re zeroed my rifle wich wasnt far out between the acupell and the wasps and now I woudnt use anything else I allways thought whats the point in having a £400 pound gun and putting shite through it but these are realy well suited to my rifle and there cheaper than most outhers so I guess its just trail and error
  4. Thanks , the bloody woodpeckers have evaded me for months so i am happy i got it today, all i need now is to get the even more illusive green woodpecker & i will be a happy bunny I have a couple of woodpeckers on a bit of land I have but I cant get a pic of them there bloody hard to photograph if I manage it I will post it on here
  5. Ferret show this sunday at kendal any body going this is the first show they have held,there will be 13 different classes including young handler I have never showed my ferrets before but thinking about putting a couple in just to help keep it going there aint enough stuff like this localy so think any one in the area that keeps ferrets should go make it a good show for the people puting in the time and effort any body intrested can get all the info frome here cumbriaferretrescue.org.uk
  6. ferrets will do the job instinctivly but I personly think they take too it a lot quicker if the ferrets are fed rabbit from a young age I dont feed mine on rabbit all the time but at least once a week and keep the fur on mate and head the lot just gut them and put them in I allways let them take hold of the rabbit and let them tug at it first before just letting them have it just the way I do it cant see the point in feeding the ferrets dry feed then put them down a hole and expect them to go nuts for the rabbit I like to give the a feel for it first.
  7. personaly I never run mine when there in season they seem a bit more head strong and just not as sharp on the old recall I have mates that run theres and dont have any bother but the most people I know dont do it I know a couple of the lads have had there dogs piss off on them when in season and these dogs have been rock steady any outher time but thats just my opinion.
  8. you guys have eyes and ears open in my part of cumbria and furness words out
  9. I have a bitch out of garys stuff and she is red and I have had a black and tan dog as well but never heard of black dogs coming from him.
  10. Hi I have for sale a juwel trigon 350 with heaters, external fluval 403 filter, bog wood, uv filter, digital thermometer, gravel and fish(plec,talking humbug cat fish,bumble bee cat fish,serodontis cat fish,golden loach,krib,2 silver dollers albino cave tetra,head stander) and may be a couple of outhers and some extra equipment complete set up well established tank cost 1400 for tank and stand I have over 2000 in this set up I want £500ono And I live in ulverston cumbria(lake district) tank will have to be collection only and all the water can be taken but you would have to bring containers c
  11. my mate has a bull bitch named dave
  12. What range is it good for and will it fit on any size scope mate have you got a picture of it. Cheers bud
  13. Alright lads I am looking at buying a night vision scope and wanted some advice on whats good and whats not I have been told that you can get them that go on your scope to make it night vision and then you can take it of easily when shooting in the day time just want to get some info dont want to be spending the kids college fund on one but dont want tacky cheap crap niether so a middle range one this will be used for rabbit and rat thanks in advance guys and any pictures of your n.v's would be great.
  14. When will they learn to stop f*****g with mother nature and f*****g us guy's over our sport is on the way out rapidly
  15. Good bag mate well done me and my mate went out saturday as well but the ground we whent on is usaly heaving with bunnys but we only got 5 with the ferrets.We got 2 with the terriers in some bush's both had mixy it has hit bad so were going to try some permision a bit futher a field this saturday so fingers crossed just hope its not a wasted jurney
  16. My two kits are lively but thats part of the fun of having them treat them right and they will come right I some time keep realy nippy ferrets slightly on the heavy side till tame and then slim them down a bit as I have found that they are less likely to be as nippy when there full and like has been said give them a varied diet with as much flesh as poss best of luck pal.
  17. I do same as rest of the lads gut the same night and I skin no latter than the next evening.
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