Been going to get a pair for a while but never got around to it so our old lad got me a pair for christmas and there belters comfy, warm, and dry but I can tell that there not going to take much hammer off the old barbed wire but if carefull shouldnt be so bad im that impressed with them I bought my old lad a pair and my mrs a pair there ace.
I shoot pheasents and ducks with my air rifle with no problems what so ever and if in range an air rifle is more than capable of a quick clean kill on either bird.
Alright lads just wondered if any body has a home made stock to fit a rat catcher the standard ones are shite and my lads keeps working loose even with locktight on the screws there not holding so just wondered if any body has made one that they can put a pic up of for me to get some ideas off or even maybe have one for sale it is just my sons first gun so doesnt have to be out special but just an improvment on the shite that is on them from new.
cheers UM.
I shoot both and am prety competent with either calibur I think it is more down to practice and becoming comfortable with your gun what ever caliber you choose but I do prefer 177.
ATB with what ever choise you make.
PS.Andy dont be silly now you should know that domed is the only way to go
my mam got a ferret off me that did this she took it to the vet and they said it had twisted gut they said it was quite common in ferrets and they pts this might not be the case with yourse lad but best to get it checked out asap hope it is something and nothing mate.
this is my pup bitch 8 months old middleton lines.
Thats not me with my ned kelly out neither before you twats start taking the piss its the lad I bought her off
Dont do it mate I did the same last year got rid of my rapid 17 to get a theoben evo I thought it was shite so got rid of that and got a air arms pro sport thought that was shite then I relised that it was me not used to them so I gave the air arms a bit of time and I did get used to it but they just cant hold a candle to the pcp the only benefit is you dont have to fill them but there heaveir, louder and if you havnt kept up the use of a springer/gas ram they seem bloody awfull when ya have to use one again stick the s410 you wont go far wrong maybe just trade it for a 177 version no effence
The blues brothers,
Game for the boys,
Jimmy boyel,
Dead mans cards,
Stir crazy,
Hear no evil See no evil,
way too many to list but theres a few of my favourites
There are some decent ferrets put through clitheroe from lads who have surplus after breeding but were there is a way to make money you will always get dickheads I have seen expecting jills sold there loads of times because they bring more coin they just line them and sell them on dont agree with this at all. I have a mate that takes his surplus down after breeding and these are top notch in shit hot condition and off good working stock people end up with a decent ferret for peanuts so its not all bad. I wouldnt bid on a ferret without handling it first and I would of complained there and then
I have the jack pyke stealth jacket and pants jackets ripped from earhole to arse hole nothing but cheap shit save ya money and get a decent jacket thats gonna last I need to buy a new jacket now im gutted and you sweat like hell in them they arnt water proof and dont breath like there meant all in all a waste of good money.
I used a pump when I first started with pcp's and the pumps were hard work and I whent through 3 pumps in 12 month so I got a bottle lot less hastle cost £100 from my local diving place £2.50 to fill it and £25 to test it every 5 year and its rare that if they have been used for filling up air rifles that they fail the test and I had to buy the regulator £50 of the net so £150 and £25 every 5 years dont think its that bad realy the pumps nearly cost that anyways.
Dont know about a condition mate never herd of it so im unsure of that but it might just be a lack of confidence mate I have seen young ferrets do it but they come right when tamed down and handeled maybe just needs to build a bit of trust loads of handaling and keep it seperate from the rest of the ferrets and introduce them a few times a day then seperate again try this for a while and see if things improve hope things work out ok pal