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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. I personaly have allways used acupel then people kept going on about the aa field so I gave them a try I dont like these pellets at all and have gone back to my faithfull acupel every gun I have had has liked them and they allways produce good groups in whatever gun ive put them in and I have had a lot of air guns just my opinion
  2. there were a couple of these for sale on ebay a while back listed as greyhound mascot I havnt looked maybe still a couple on there.
  3. should not ahve give them nothing mate to them its a days work they got no feelings for your pets i would give them nothing and sue them to its ok saying these things happen well THEY SHOULD NOT we pay for this and thats it In an ideal world they should not happen but they do and they make you sign a form wich makes nobody liable and no legal action can be taken
  4. il take it for my boy pm me details bud.
  5. Cheers lad for the offer I have anouther 2 hobs one is only 12 week old and the outher is one of last years I am lucky realy the kit was the only hob in the litter and was reserved but the bloke was a muppet and I wouldnt let it go am bloody glad I didnt now think I will have him done back end of this year ready for breeding season next time around.
  6. yeh thing is tom even at half price there aint no guarante that the ferret will be ok so that will only help my pocket but I will ask them mate
  7. well they saw him stop breathing and tryed to revive him but nowt they could do. just one of them things I think mate but still gutting.
  8. skycat I wouldnt waste your breath scum like this have no intrest in the pups health and he will not take your advice as it means spending some money on them. wildhunter you :wankerzo4: do us all a favour and OFF.
  9. Cheers guys.the vets at first wanted the £60 because the operation was a succsess in there eyes and my hob had had all the treatment and meds and shit so they were at a loss if they didnt charge me thats why we split the difference if he had passed away before or during the op then they wouldnt of charged me they said.
  10. Well due to the amount of jills I keep I decided to have a hob vecectamised took him to my vets wich are shit hot with working animals of all types it was £60 to have him done left him with them rang up a couple of hours later to be told the operation was a succsess but he died later in recovery so had to pay half for the op only £30 but a bit of a bugger having to pay £30 for the privalage of having my ferret killed. I know these things can and do happen but what a bitch needless to say I am a bit apprehensive to have my outher hob to be done.
  11. Your all wrong plummers are the way to go now the thread turns into a time bomb. tick tick tick BOOM
  12. yeh just the time of year mate, but I did read some were that feeding to many eggs can do it to much protien or something if it is right or not I dont know.
  13. all my permision is a cow to get to and your a bit far but you would of been more than welcome best of luck mate sorry to hear about your pal.
  14. All I do is gut then freez for a fortnight at least to gill off any worms and shit they might be carrying then defrost and feed whole,head legs jacket the full monty and my dogs never look better and there shite is realy firm and dry and doesnt stink.
  15. Yeh thats pretty much what I do and they seem fine never had a problem good feed night before light breakfast couple of hours before I intend to ferret.
  16. I alternate the foods I give my ferrets but I do prefer raw feed but do feed dry as well I use puppy food and they seem ok off it
  17. That was spot on funny as hell just glad a ferret didnt come out behind the rabbit when he was twating it with the bill hook could of been a disaster.
  18. What a mug total tosser, I just dread to think what this dvd would do to a potential new ferret owner who doesnt have a clue and takes this pricks dvd as gosspel
  19. Just leave the trap down and try not to interfere with it and minimal touching even when re baiting and keep it in the same place and it should evetualy catch rats are very wary of anything new in there souroundings just give it time lad and you should catch
  20. I aint bothered as long as they graft.
  21. red lakeland bitch 14 months old number 8 terrier section
  22. I have a 14 month old red lakeland bitch and I am happy with her she is a little slow to start but is picking things up and coming on well but she isnt an earth dog just bushing and ferreting I didnt get her till she was 8month old and she hadnt done nowt so I have been patient with her and she is coming on well.
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