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ulverston moocher

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Everything posted by ulverston moocher

  1. possibly a phantom pregnancy starting one of my jills has just done this and now her belly is bloated and her teats are like bullets and no fur on her belly but she has been no where near a hob I think she will come back in season soon thoe just a thought its what im putting mine down to.
  2. I have kits due in a couple of weeks mate all off working stock they should be small handy size fed on a good mostly barf diet il pm you when they are born some are spoken for but il make sure there is a couple of jills for ya as long as they will be looked after and worked and if you are still intrested.
  3. no worrys bud like ideation says 8 minimum I just dont let mine got till at least 12.
  4. I like accupell I have heard lots about why I shoulnt use them but every gun I have had likes them the as field I thought were good pellets but I was sick of only getting half a tin as the outher half were knackered down to them being so soft but I do like the fx pellets got a tin with my hw100 they were ok but the gun shop I use doesn't stock them so went back to good old accupell and hw100 loves them.
  5. Id give them a bit longer mate people allways let ferrets go way to young keep them at least 12 wks they will be the better for it and then you can really get a feel for the ones you want to keep back your self.
  6. I have had a couple of first crosses and they were hard work in the beginning but if you treat them right and put the effort in then they can be spot on but you have to handle them loads in the beginning I still have a quarter polecat job and he is great he has just lined 2 pure polecats and s couple of kits will be making there way to me in the future so I'll be posting picks and write ups of there progress and how were getting on. Ps. Good luck with your kits bunny killer if people didn't experiment with such things there wouldn't be ferrets and domestic animals of any sort.
  7. Lol that's spot on job well done with her handling mate at least she doesn't see you as a threat to her kits
  8. Yeh it happens mate I have a Jill that has been lined and she hasn't taken but the hob and Jill have been bred off before your Jill will more than likely come back into season.
  9. I bought a brand new r 10 wich I think is a real good looking rifle but I swapped it for a r10 any thing that needs to be tuned and messed with to make it right(blue printed) when it is brand new to me is a no no I love my hw100kt its the dogs bollock.
  10. I use pea shingle mate just hose it down works for me
  11. I had one my hobs done last year droped him off In morning picked him up dead in afternoon and vet wanted full price as he said the op was a success it was recovery that was were it went tits up must admit I need a vecectimised hob but don't fancy putting one in for the op again once bitten twice shy
  12. Well done fella only way to deal with thieves and you get a slap on the back from me basterds robbed my wellies last week 18 year old dick heads that hang around with the lad next door so I went round slapped lad next door in front of his mam and next day my gonks were back in porch althoe piss wet through they had pinched them then thrown them somewhere and had to go and get them so I think a slap does work.
  13. Silver- silver hob 3yrs Bubble- silver Jill 4yrs Squeak- bew Jill 4yrs sister to bubble Cinder- european polecat x last yrs Sparks- silver MIT last yrs Spyro- European polecat x 5yrs Rosie- European polecat x 4yrs Gypsy- bew Jill 5yrs greyhound type
  14. Hi mate I gas rammed my eclipse a few years back and it was spot on I highly recommend it.
  15. I have a big silver job if you try to grab him he instantly turns around to bite and he is 2year old and handeled several times a day if you put your hand down and let him get on him self you can do anything with him some ferrets just have strange ways that you have to get used to just trust her and be confident even if it hurts a few times she will get there just don't be hesitant with her you will just freak her out. Best of luck with her kidda
  16. Feeding the horse and flicking the bean I thought would of made the top ten
  17. Good choice of gun mate welcome to the forum bud
  18. Wag dog food isnt any good mate if your gonna feed dry get a proper ferret food or you can buy beta pup loose from any pet shop but you can't beat meat if my freezer gets low on stuff chicken wings from asda £2 for about a dozen can't beat them my ferrets love em and are in great condition but I do feed a bit of dry in summer for the smell and keep the flys away
  19. Has anything been done about this prick yet and do u know were pup has ended up yet mate?
  20. My dad is my best mate with out a doubt mam f****d off when I was 2 and it was the best thing she could have done for me because it gave us the relationship we have now and he devoted all his time to teach me everything I now know from good animal husbandry to shooting fishing lamping and ferreting top man and my hero now I have 3 nippers of my own just hope I am half the dad he is and I am trying.
  21. I paid £60 last year the vet rang me and said the op was successful so I said oh that's great he said yeh but it died in recovery and because the op went ok I still need the full amount owed I told him to go away in no uncertain terms and we settled on £30 half price so in hind sight I paid £30 to have my perfectly healthy hob pts bloody robbing arseholes
  22. I loved it it was our jolly boys outing we looked forward to them 3 days of freezing cold ont banking all year round god I hope it returns the streaker on the first day at the last Waterloo was a legend bollock naked swimming in the puddle he must of been f*****g freezing class what a bloody laugh.
  23. Nothing but a worthless piece of shit this is exactly why people don't do each other good turns any more but well done lad for trying just a shame it has turned out the way it has
  24. Alright mate I dont know about hardest hitting but mine likes acupell and cant arf spit them out.
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