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Everything posted by AKeeNShoT

  1. Am not worried that she is showing no interest in ranging ahead am wondering why she will walk to heal the whole time she's out even when on the lead I've never had a young dog seem so uninterested she's never been told to do anything by command she's bold when with my other dogs but still stays to heal while the rest of me pack are smashing into cover. ..... I've hunted with dogs since I was 12year old and I've learnt to let pups be pups very early on am one 47 year old so I think I know how to bring a pup on....... I've been told by the lad who breed her the the other pups he know about are
  2. Hi all.... I've a 8-9 month old teckel x Lakeland who for the past few month refuses to leave my side I've tried taking her out on her own to places that I know have good bunny populations and she will only range ahead 6-10ft away at 4 month she would Of been off like a shot with me other dogs but now seems to have gone totally back on herself..... I show her dead bunnys etc and she is keen to chew at them I've even had her ferreting and took a live bunny away from the set into the field and she was jumping up at it and going wild then I put the bunny on the ground and let it go and the litt
  3. As the title says I'm after a 12g or 20g moderated pump action Mossberg. I'm in Tyne and wear area cheers lads
  4. Depends on the bushing ground I suppose it would need to be very nippy to catch often on a run and yet not to big to be able to crash into a ll the cover..... I've read on here of lads during staffies for a bit ferreting and bushing but I'd of thought if you didn't want to drawn any attention to yourself I wouldn't take a working dog out that is walking alongside me while am dressed in head to toe Camo gear as I've seen happen a few times..... I've got a heavy bred collie x and when I'm out and about not wanting any attention I take her she ain't the best bushing dog but she gives it ago and
  5. Spot on bud..... Best of luck with your future plans........ Hope you can keep us updated on your progress with the dogs both highs and lows
  6. Nice write up bud hope you carry on with working your airedales and find somemore like minded people to help carry on with a breeding plan or a import plan to widen the gene pool over here and in Ireland
  7. There very nice me pal years ago was working in Irelandand [BANNED TEXT] he came home he bought a pup back with him it was a airedale x gh everyone took the piss out of him until it was 18 month it made a good bunny Fox and deer basher and never let him down a good dog indeed he got it off a Old guy who told him the airdale sire to the pups was 100% and we found out how good the pup was very quick ;-) the old guy said he had used airdales all his life and there was none better that was 30-ish year ago.... Me pal never used that dog for breeding shame really was a great dog
  8. Hi all as the title says am wondering if anyone is thinking of breeding a litter of teckels next year as am thinking of getting one to add to me team thanks in advance for any replay
  9. My male Plummer is 15its and he has no problems me bitch is 14 its but she ain't as fast as the male on a Sprint when after a bunny....... You can only try to get your dog out as much as possible to give her the practice are you using a lurcher or a gun for the bolters....... Try a walk in the wideband drop a few dead bunny without her seeing you drop them then go back to the area and encourage he to start sniffing them out and give her lots of praise when she finds them
  10. If there ain't no fresh sent we tend to cover a lot of ground and I nearly always have a ferret handy in a carry box just to get a few bolsters once the dogs mark a set..... Don't use nets to often with them now but the terriers love the Chase and I like to watch them sprinting across the field in hot pursuit me male Plummer has caught a few bunny this way
  11. Hi mate if got 2 plummers and use them for bushing I started them off by taking them ferreting with nets then I would use less nets and they where taken to places where I New the bunny would be in cover and let them loose...... After a dozen outings with the ferrets and nets they became well aware of there job and they got into the bushing side of things within 2-3 outings I've never looked back since then they have flushed shed loads of gear and still do..... I always start my dogs off ferreting that way I can train them to stand back from a set knowing they will wait for me instead of drop
  12. Just spoke to the lad I got me pup off and he was telling me he still has 2 pups left a dog and a bitch if anyone's interested
  13. Can't get a pic up I'll have to get me pal to give it a go me and techno don't get on...... But I'll get a couple up asap..... The pup is very bold and eating and sleeping well she is retrieving naturally and is a lot faster then I thought she would be her nose is always on the floor and she seems to have very good recall so all good at the moment..... She seems longer in the body now but don't seem to have grown much on the leg..... She likes to squeeze into the tightest spots in the house that take her interest..... I'll be cutting up a fresh hare skin I got off me pal and seeing how sh
  14. Am not after anymore dogs mate I got the lakie x teckel coz I may need it not to just flush game but also to hopefully do a little bit earth work for me now and again and most likely to use along side with the sprocker and me gun
  15. Riou am happy with what I've got mate only wanted summit small and you don't see many Bassett x teckels but if you have pictures and would give us a right up on how they work that would be good.... Think the lad who owns the teckel has a small pack of Bassett type teckel x"s that he uses but not sure of the crosses in the pack think he uses pure teckels and bassets as well in the pack again I'm not sure...... Anyone got any dvds of Bassett x teckels working in a pack
  16. She's a canny little thing maps on like fook [BANNED TEXT] she see"s me but is quiet all night..... Not a bid eater tho but she ain't that big..... I'll get a couple of pictures up end of the week once she settles in.... Monday she will be at vets for her jabs..... Seem to of taken to me young sprocker tho...... Think the lad still has a bitch left which has took much more to the teckel nice health looking pups. ... Am happy with mine just gotta think of a name now
  17. Aye mate picking it up now
  18. I agree the prices are high but I also understand if the teckel were sold cheaply and by cheap I mean half the price they are going for they would soon end up fooked as a working breed over here ... But as I've seen on here there are the odd owner of x teckels who rate them and some of the lads who own pure teckels have high praise for them and are open enough to tell us of there short falling...... Am not paying alot for the pup and I've plenty time to make my mind up on my finding Of how the pup turns out over the next few year plus I'll have options on what she works on so she will get to
  19. I no mate I'm picking one little bitch up Monday morning and looking forward to getting her started off and ready for next winter .... Am hoping the pup takes more to the teckel side work wise but has a bit more leg of the lake and a bit shorter in body length but it ain't to important as long as it flushes a bit ground game for the Lurchers during the day..... I wanted a slower type of dog in the thickets that will hopefully sing its head off and maybe fingers crossed will do a bit digging when it's matured....... I'm surprised no-one on here has this x ... I would Of liked to see how they
  20. Hi all am wondering if there are any lads out there that are useing teckel x terriers 1st x"s only...... If you could tell us how they get on in the field above and below ground and also any photos you have of this type of dog...... Just wondering the pro's n con's...... Cheers lads
  21. Hi mate I'm wondering which way you plan to go with a future breeding off one of your bitches will you go more beagle x or more spanial x or even teckle to improve on what you already have they look a nice stamp do you think they need improving I only ask as I love to hunt this way put I use Plummer terriers and a sprocker but she is just learning the ropes at the mo
  22. Nice looking cocker.... The pups from them 2 if ya mate them should be very interesting to watch work they should have plenty drive about them and a canny coat..... I like the look of your bitch aswell is she a busy worker or more methodical in in working style
  23. I ain't got a problem with my dogs they do as I ask and they have been very good at there job of flushing game for my gun or my 2 bigger Lurchers....... I agree once you've lost control due to members of the pack fighting in thick cover or just running a muck itstime to 're- evaluate....... Me terriers and beddyxwhippet are a good team and I work them on me own and enjoy the highs and lows equally ..... I personally would not work more then 4 dogs on me own as skycat says it only takes one to lead the rest astray..... I seen a pack of about 10 terriers out killing rats and low and behold one
  24. As the title says......... I use 2 Plummer terriers and me Beddy x whippet they at great at finding and flushing..... I also use them for ferreting but recently of bought a sprocker pup who will join them this winter........ So am I using to many dogs to Bush for me to the gun...... I've had greats days out with just the 2 terriers....... And if had good days out over the years and recently with a half dozen dogs and went home with a mixed bag of game....... So what do you lads draw the line on with numbers of dogs to have a day out bushing
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