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big john

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About big john

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. got a 410 with hexegon barrels but they go rounded at the muzzle
  2. bought a cz 452 16" heavy barrel the other week very accurate little gun weell pleased with it
  3. great reading pal often thought [bANNED TEXT] ive shot a fox wat the hell dous it eat round here.theres my anser
  4. ive got 1 of the first berreta xtrema top notch the new 1 is ok but more dosh cant c mutch difference though be a gud gun if u can find a 2nd hand 1
  5. 2nd hand gun bought of a gun smithes shot in fine
  6. got my fac through the other day well chuffed picked my 17hmr up cz452 16" barrels hushpower silencer,5/12x50bushnell scope,tripodand a cheek pad and 500 hornady v max bullits shot 200 in lst 2 days was quite good 2 scope in 10 bullits got it smack on at yards want to thank everyone for there advice
  7. doesnt make a massive difference mate main thing is putting your shot in the right place i. personally use quater and half all the time i shoot geese,pheasant ,duck . you find alot of people in this game blaming their tools if your on em ul kill em.
  8. thanks lads sounds like i need a bit more mag cheers mutch appriciated
  9. shot hundreds of geese in my time never used 3.5 inch cant beat rc 50s the daddys
  10. justbought a second hand cz.17hmr just wondering wat size scope to put on it bin told a 3x9x56 would be right ?
  11. wat sort of work she done mate ? got a pal whos after a little ess bitch sounds just up his street he would give it a good working home
  12. just got a fac for a 17hmr just a quick question? what bullits to use for general all round vermin thanks
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