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Everything posted by bolio

  1. Just wondering Tango if my mates dog Scud is the sire to your pups? He mentioned the mating to what I took to be an airedale x greyhound but I may have got my wires crossed...
  2. Here's a bad pic of two Deacon daughters I had in the early 90's. They were from Deacon to a Whisper Wishes greyhound bitch and the red and white one killed a lot of hares, but would eat them if you didn't get to her in time. I don't think the black and white one ever killed anything though. A pal got her off me in her first season and she didn't do much for him either.
  3. Podencos, I think they're a variation on the Ibizan theme......?
  4. He won it once, Blondie won it omce and ran sercond twice. Count that up.
  5. Her's one I bought made specifically for greyhounds. These three would run up onto it as soon as they were let in and happily trot away for as long as you let them with no tying up required.
  6. Here's one I used for years with Max (Dancer X Smokey) sire to Willow. This was a human one and worked fine for one dog at a time Incidentaly Alan, you wouldn't happen to have any better photo's of Max? I never took a proper one while I had him.
  7. Yes I took that shot of Sniper when I was over to mate him to the old Turk bitch that T. H. kindly gave me to breed off. Two very good coursing animals but none of that litter turned out as good as either parent.
  8. bolio

    red tail hawk

    You've changed it at least three times since the start of this thread, first a harris then a redtail and the last one I saw was a goshawk.
  9. bolio

    red tail hawk

    Or this one http://www.independentbirdregister.co.uk/advlist/birdmart.asp
  10. bolio

    red tail hawk

    Try this one for starters mate http://www.ukfalcons.com/birdmart_classified.html
  11. bolio

    red tail hawk

    Sorry ukdaniel, I don't but jasper may well do. You could always google it. There used to be a faconry birdmart site. I'll see if I can find it for you.
  12. bolio

    red tail hawk

    I flew an excellent male Redtail some years ago ukdaniel. He was a better hunter than either of the two females Ive flown, more agile and very responsive. I even flew him in a cast with my pals female harris and he usually beat her to the kill. I wouldn't venture to guess at an average weight for any species of raptor, you just need to find each individual birds best weight yourself. Judge his weight against his response and perfomance, not against what you think is the average weight for that species. My Buzz flew best at 2lb 2oz. Good luck
  13. But how many others spotted the deliberate mistake ha ha ha ?
  14. Of course I do, you fool.... ha ha. you know I'm a dick head...
  15. Ok so I messed up, of course this isn't Eve, she had no penis. This is Merlin........
  16. the dog in this picture what way is it breed its a double for the bitch l have now ?? From Karlsbergs post Iceman........ "eve was out of a dog called blue which was first x saluki greyhound x dawn wich saluki deerhound greyhound if i remeber rightly"
  17. That was K.T.'s dog wasn't it huggy, J.L. told me it was the best saluki dog he'd seen but he died before I got over to see him. My pal bought a pup out of Khan and the daughter of J.L.'s Star on the strength of it and he's taken hares in all types of ground so I arranged for a mating to my old Willow bitch and that's where my two pups I'm raising now came from. When I sort out my technical problems I'll get some pics up.
  18. precisely mate, best to best and what ever way the coat turned out is incidental, the dogs as a rule could perform the function for which they were selected and that is the bottom line.
  19. Thanks Karlsberg, Jeff Smiths Fly. That deerhound, saluki connection more or less concurs with my theory for the coats too.
  20. The father of Seagull was McCullough's Fred And I think Merlin was a son of Eve to one of the litters from Toby the Hoover...... Where the hell is Miles when you need him..
  21. Just seen your post after I posted mine Riohog, we're on the same wavelength
  22. Seagulls dam, Eve was broken coated so my theory, for what it's worth, is that the coat pattern of whatever lurcher type (all over hairyness), and the coat texture of the saluki influence (silkiness) combined to produce differing degrees of hairyness down the line. An old hunting pal of mine from Belfast had a bitch in the 70's that everyone called the afghan bitch but there was no afghan in her. She was basically a cross between a deerhound lurcher and a saluki, (we know who bred her) and looked very much like an afghan with better muscle tone.
  23. His dam, Seagull was hairy.
  24. i seen nipper aka poodle run on a day out with CN good dog had plenty of stay and good round crop as any 1 got any pics Here you go Robin
  25. This may sound strange but I wouldn't eat a hare that hasn't been soaked overnight in cold water. I used to get a headache after eating hare that wasn't pre-soaked and soaking seems to remedy the problem. I can only assume it's because a lot of the blood is leeched out into the water and so I must have some form of intolerance to the blood. Anyone else experience this?
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