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Everything posted by bolio

  1. Next time you speak to Gary give him a poke in the eye from me......Davy. Decent cricketer, the young lad!
  2. The only guarantee is that there are no guarantees! Dogs are not machines.
  3. I had a dog pup from Beau and Lady too inan.....but it had poor feet. Have you heard how Don is keeping after that episode with the low life scum who beat him up and robbed him?
  4. I think we're all missing the point of my post here. I've seen several of Dons dogs run in the flesh.....I'm in no way trying to demean the man or his dogs, just stating the fact that when he issued his challenge to anyone in the country who wanted to match him, Turk beat whichever dog Don thought was his best on the day. I saw Turk run in the flesh too, indeed on the day Tony gave her to me she killed 2 from 2 on Oggie and Gary's permission at the age of 7 years old. I also have the video which represents most of what Tony had on tape including missed hares. My point was not
  5. R.I.P. Kelvin Was just thinking today about that litter Darren. Here was what was probably at the time the country's best known and most highly regarded male coursing dog mated to Turk, Queen of the fens as she was known. She once caught 8 from 10 runs in a day, and when Don Southerd issued his challenge Tony accepted and Turk beat the best Don had. Do you think I should have "chased the coin" instead of giving the pups to friends?
  6. Brother...I think it was 98, which was the year after he won the Forley. Joe took a pup for the service, Tony got two bitches as he had given me Turk, I kept a smooth cream bitch and a red feathered bitch which I later gave to the pal I hunted with and a big feathered cream dog went to a friend down near Mullingar, which I later got back and gave as an adult dog to the big gamekeeper from Wisbech who later sadly drowned when his landrover overturned into a pond. Don't remember any more. If anyone remembers the date of the Monahdlieth trophy that J.F. won with Elsa...well the next day we had
  7. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! Well done that man.
  8. I'm in that area too.....eyes are peeled!
  9. No I said "similar appearance", not colour. Looking at one recalls the other....like Noonies Beast and his sire Drax, or Dancer and Blondie. One's black the other white but the underlying structure is similar in a lot of Dancer's progeny.
  10. Here's one I took of Sniper about 12 years ago when I brought old Turk over to be lined.......
  11. Nice to see these older pictures. His son Sniper had a very similar appearance.
  12. This is a long discourse but for anyone who resents the attempt to con the public it's important to read it all...... http://wattsupwiththat.com/2010/10/27/the-season-of-disinvitation-continues-chico-state-university-cant-handle-a-slideshow/#more-27047
  13. Or Tommy Emmanuel....guitar genius? Coming to Belfast on the 11th of the 11th. Can't wait!
  14. Yes folks they started with "global warming" and re branded it as "climate change". Then, since in the words of their own CRU expert Phil Jones, there has been "no significant warming in the last fifteen years" and in fact a slight cooling since 2002 despite co2 levels continuing to rise, they're on a mission to re brand again to "climate disruption". This way every time the wind changes direction they'll be able to attribute it to anthropogenic causes and charge us accordingly.
  15. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100060540/happy-climate-fools-day/
  16. Not quite the first.... Alan S. gave him the bitch... but I wish him well and hope he makes a full recovery.
  17. Draw dogs only. I personally would consider the showbred type about as much as I would consider the showbred greyhound for hunting. If you want a bushing dog I would go for a springer or working cocker. That's my opinion as someone who had a few wheatens years ago, for what it's worth.
  18. Words of wisdom Snoopdog......deep breaths.......AAAAHHHH!
  19. You see Sniper, that's part of the conundrum. The whole imperative was to get a lining from the Laddie dog before he went to England. That got me in first gear so to speak. Then the notion that the younger dog was shining more brightly moved me up into second. There's a red light up ahead, in that if we're not going to use the older dog then there is no need to rush, as the younger dog will still be available and more proven next year. I guess it's like looking at the ceiling of the Sistine chapel, whichever part of the masterpiece you focus on looks highly attractive but you need to step
  20. that is what myself and most who seen her thought. He did try to line a greyhound bitch with an airedale dog and he ruptured the bitch inside reckoned the airedale had a cock like horse bitch died too. Stick to the wheatens I reckon. The wife says how much for that airdale?
  21. Well Bolio you have choices i would say, but i would go with gut instinct, either way its a suck and see job, all the best thought del boy was charlie x blonde You're right of course....late night posting..... too many possibilities running unbridled theough an empty cranium!
  22. Nice looking bitch, pity the lowlife robbed you of your time together. I've got a crick in my neck now so I'm off to bed. Good hunting
  23. Hi Mick, I'm pretty sure the older dog has never been bred from. It was his litter sister that produced this young dog. I've a week to ruminate over it.
  24. Yes we wondered at the time why they didn't use a greyhound to get their own halfers but apparently the guy had a plan.
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