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Everything posted by bolio

  1. What about a lurcher that ran on Altcar, Flynn, does that count?
  2. I don't think we can expect any dog to be top class in every sphere of activity. After all, Daly Thompson could'nt live with Alan Wells over 100 mtrs or Seb Coe over a mile. He could'nt long jump like Carl Lewis or shot putt like Geoff Capes, but who would say he was'nt the best ALROUNDER on the planet at the time?
  3. Good to see you back Kye, what about some pics for the lads and lass's back home?
  4. And my secret weapon for the fens for next season......
  5. Here's a young dog out of Blondie and Charlie that I've just bought off Eddy C.
  6. Here's the pic I took for Shaun in january but could'nt post due to a sick computer. He was the only pup in the litter, hence the name, Lonesome. About 4 months in the pic.
  7. bolio


    They turned out well Ian, great job.
  8. Yes Corkonian, they've been rabbitting on about hunting up here in Northern Ireland too. The local bbc appears to have begun a campaign of sorts to raise the profile of hunting, with a clandestine piece of film of a local stag hunt and several discussions on bbc radio Ulster timed to coincide with the ban coming in on the mainland. What ever became of the principal of freedom of choice? When an activity is banned EVERYONE loses that freedom, not just those who do it.
  9. This reminds me of a time over thirty years ago when I took an old girlfriend for a stroll in the foothills of Cave Hill which overlooks Belfast lough. It was a warm sunny summers day and we got well off the beaten track and stopped at a secluded hollow for a romantic interlude. We lay at the base of a prominant outcrop of rock called McArts Fort, a.k.a. Napoleons Nose, that towered hundreds of feet above us. As we got into the swing of things all caution was abandoned, along with our clothes, and we lost ourselves in the passion of youth to a backdrop of birdsong and the heady perfume of fres
  10. I did'nt mean to run the cross down Saluki, far from it. It's just that some people think that all saluki crosses are nervy, flighty and disobedient. And some self styled experts will blame bad handling. My point is that although my two had identical rearing and breeding they still turned out with different temperaments. Genetic diversity I call it. The saluki dam of mine is as steady as a rock.....totally unlike the usual description of the breed. But I think that notion was put about by authors whos only experience of the breed was standing ringside watching show dogs, because the coursing
  11. This is Mink, a sister to Willow, above. Both bred by myself, raised by myself in exactly the same manner and yet Mink is nervy with traffic, strangers and unusual situations, although she will return to my side at the gallup provided I'm on my own. This bitch injured a toe on the fist day out this season on hard stubble and so has been laid off since and done nothing. Only started excercising again in december.
  12. This is one of my young bitches about 16 months in the photo, roughly 7/8 th saluki, has killed all three species of hare ( Brown, Irish and blue) single handed in her first season. She comes straight back almost at a gallup and has a lovely temperament.
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