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marty 9998

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About marty 9998

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 27/06/1961

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  1. I got a cracking little shooting bus its mat green Suzuki vitara 12 month MOT but it £600
  2. I got one put a T 20 ir and doubler lens on it was paid for in 1 week rabbiting so they not that bad for the money used the rubber cover that comes with it on the new lens can identify you target over 250 yards away still only £500 with the up grads on I think the worth the money/
  3. Hi i have the 4x16 mtc viper on my cz .22 very good scoop i been shooting a lot of rabbits with 32gran CCI Stingers out to150 meters as long as not to much wind good value for the money.
  4. I have been shooting wood pigeon the last 34 years the way I was tort to decoy was to try to replicate pigeons feeding as best you can I think this looks more like a frustrated pigeon that can't find a mate. ? Let's see them in auction ?
  5. That pigeon was a bit shoot up was just using it to get the size right when building flapper arms wings need braking close to the body as possible
  6. Had a good afternoon today on spring drillings ended up with 62 tried my new home made lofting kit out worked a treat shod of made some years ago I think they helped a lot just had to change to a 20g using 25gram 6 high pheasant and 23g three crowns shoot some good birds well out. I have been making a lot of my own decoying gear for the last 10 years or so as the price of a lot of what you by is so over priced and made from cheep crap materials that's not built to last I have saved 100s of pounds over the years. I will upload photos A.S.A.P here is what I have made. Pigeon magnets Flap
  7. if you have washed it make shower you dry it off properly as well or the water turns to ice i doubel bag as well some bags are a bit thin nowadays
  8. I ordered a new hammer for my browning A5 on the order it said 30 days back order thinking it will save time messing on ordering from the USA i ordered it January 18thkept checking on the site order for progress but nothing after 6 weeks so i called them but never answered the phone so left a message still no ring back when i managed to get to talk to someone i got a story that someone called up to cancel the order. What a load of crap i shod have give up with them right then. But i reorderit as he told me he was going to talk to the in the USA and get it shipped strataway the next day th
  9. HOMEMADE PEIGEON MAGNETS WITH A PAIR OF MY FLAPPERS I have justmade 3 more pigeon magnets i have one left to go I am doing this one with 2flapping pigeons that fit on the magnet or bouncers battery not included. Asseen on my video I have also come up with a new design for the magnet arms tofit to the motor much stronger and still very light. PM me NOT LONG TILL THE HARVEST. https://picasaweb.google.com/111066435294666597654/PigeonMagnet02?authkey=Gv1sRgCLuDhNSzqcyvhw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJA9VBcJvdk
  10. hi mate thank for holding the Suzuk well pleased with it nice one thanks a lot
  11. thanks for that mark hope your get lots of shooting with you new gear from me sounds like you got the hang of setting the birds on the magnet ok nice one mate
  12. When you have it sorted mate so your pigeon fits on a bouncer rod you want peace of tube about a foot long by 1 inch push it in the ground first then bend one end of the bouncer rod at about 6 inch from the end drop it in the tube and bend the other end where the bird fits just the last 2 inch at a angel so the bird looks right you will get a lot more movement than just sticking it in the ground
  13. Hi mate didyou get sorted with your plans for a pigeon magnet I have made round about 40or so now I use round tube with round bar that fits snug down the inside with agrub bolt to adjust the height so they are telescopic and light it comes in handyif shooting long rap and laid wheat. Your best to take the part that fits onthe main shaft off the wiper motor as the shaft on the motor is tapered youwill get a lot better fit. I weld round bar on the plat where it fits to themotor and grind a flat on the top side a bit of the round tub that fits snugover the top put a grub bolt in etch end of the t
  14. Yes matethey are I am well pleased with them gun is red hot since i started using them Thanks Marty
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