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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. I always enjoy this show, they seem to have left the postcode off the countrymans add it's NP16 6BP.
  2. How do you know that his pup will grow into something that only takes rodents, that's working on the assumption that if you put two earth dogs together all their offspring will be earth dogs we all know that's not guaranteed, I agree that using proper working parents will give you a better chance (just my opinion). But don't write off a pup before it's given a chance. Nice looking pup by the way I'm sure you and your kids are gonna have a lot of fun with it
  3. In the countrymans it says classes start at 1pm so I plan on getting there about 12ish so if I've missed anything I will be a bit pissed off, if theyre spending money on the add they could at least get the times right
  4. in .22 a good solid gun in good condition for age, missing rear sight and front cowling I want £120 for it or swap for a Crossman ratcatcher the rifle one. based in Bristol f2f only
  5. I reckon its gonna be freezing same as last year
  6. The pic doesn't look as bad as it actually was the skin on the top of her head was loose so needed some stitches
  7. They're a f**king pain one of mine had a accidental meeting with one, had a simaler injury from one last year after another accidental meeting with one
  8. I thought it wasn't to bad this year, definitely better than a day at work
  9. separate them now everyone on here saying they wont damage each other with their milk teeth are deluding themselves, the litter I got mine from had to be separated from very early nearly lost a couple of them from the damage done by their little non dangerous milk teeth.
  10. I have offered Archie. But do like Aluns shamus let the man make his own choice don't let the thread go downhill. atb Roy
  11. They have NO rights to enter your premises, if they really want access they need to get a real policeman with a warrant to get past the door, even if you have nothing to hide tell them to do one.
  12. I have a bitch here which is coming up 6 years old it would appear that she's barren, she turned out to be a really good animal so was a bit disappointed at first but I think it is a bit of a blessing as said there are so many litters on the ground these days its far easier to buy a pup in than go through all the hassle.
  13. Please not again. Use the search facility an fill yer boots
  14. One of mine does that regularly on the beach, peoples bags, windbreaks, coolbags etc etc etc Cheers, D. I can top that toddler sat on one of them pushalong trikes eating a ice cream, one of my lurchers cocked his leg on him full in the face, I nearly got into a fight over it I did try to apologize but was nearly crying with laughter
  15. Nice looking pair a nice head on the mum
  16. Try asking on the WBF (working bedlington forum) you might get some luck on there but you are going to cut your options right down if you insist on KC paperwork
  17. A very good day a couple more rosette's for my show ponies, terrier judge looked a right dodgy fecker but done a good job looking forward to next year.
  18. When I was a kid they were mainly called fells with a small minority calling them pats, now where I'm from theyre mainly called pats I just prefer to call em blacks. When this one has his coat on he looks like what I used to call a fell. This is a pup from him at 17 weeks old pat/fell I don't really care its a black dog and it will all come down to the back end of next season.
  19. This will be a good one hope to see a lot of familiar faces.
  20. I was over the moon with the first one of them i got, felt like i could catch bigger and better fish. Used to have a pair of them ,twinned with the awesome power of my 10ft Normark Black Medallion 1 3/4 test curve rods,thought I was Rod Hutchinson Used to be a common sound in the 80s,the flapping of the bale arm on the 300s and 410s mid cast as the spring failed I still have a 11foot black medallion a rod which holds a lot of memories for me, I must of had it nearly 30 years If memory serves me right ,they came out 1985,I wanted the 11ft but it was a few quid more :laugh:you m
  21. I was over the moon with the first one of them i got, felt like i could catch bigger and better fish. Used to have a pair of them ,twinned with the awesome power of my 10ft Normark Black Medallion 1 3/4 test curve rods,thought I was Rod Hutchinson Used to be a common sound in the 80s,the flapping of the bale arm on the 300s and 410s mid cast as the spring failed I still have a 11foot black medallion a rod which holds a lot of memories for me, I must of had it nearly 30 years
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