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Everything posted by nasher1

  1. I bought one of Custy Musty's green t20 lights and last night I decided to give it a field test. I went to a local permission where I zero the hmr so I know the ranges, now my eyesight under illuminated conditions is bad I still have to use a lightforce blitz for a bit of rabbiting with the lurchers so wasn't expecting much from a lamp I had just paid £35 for, flippin heck was I wrong I could see stuff clearly out to 150 yards and eyeshine much further than that I will be getting a white one when they are back in stock for use with the dogs. Anyway back on track I did a quick circuit of the l
  2. Sounds like you had a good night. I stick with the Hornaday vmax I've had no problems with them so far.a friend of mine has been using the same and he's been through about 2000 without a hitch
  3. Sub inch groups at 100 yards on 16x mag using Hornaday vmax 17 grain
  4. Sorry I will rephrase all cz 16 inch barrels are cut down from longer ones that is why they cost more according to my local gun shop
  5. I have £10 js Ramsbottom mounts on my 455 Hmr. I can hit the map pins from the corners of my targets at 50 yards and still very tight groups at 100 yards. I don't think I could improve on this by spending significantly more on mounts atb Roy
  6. All cz rifles start off with 20 inch barrels and are then cut down for the 16 inch version that is why they are more expensive than the 20 inch version when bought new. I have a 16"on my Hmr and it's a tack driver
  7. I would never part with my sxs .410 excellent gun for mooching around and im pretty handy with it
  8. You say its a cheap round it probably is in the good ol USA, if it ever makes it to our shores I bet hmr will be cheaper.
  9. Yep pm me your number if your interested.
  10. Same here they would only grant me rim fires .17 and .22 despite having airguns and shotguns from a early age and 30 years of fieldsports, yet was told that I need to do a DSC1 to get a .243. So I suppose any bloke who walks into WHSmith and picks up a shooting magazine and thinks to himself "I'll have a go at that" pays for his DSC1 can have a .243 according to avon and somerset
  11. Price drop to £60 I want this out of my cabinet to make roof for other stuff will swap for a scope or hmr ammo
  12. I have a laurona sxs very tidy and im local to you so might be worth a look.
  13. I would have them for that money but your too far away
  14. Just looked 282 miles bit too far for me good luck with the sale.
  15. Hold on a minute and calm down you are getting your knickers in a twist because you waited until the eleventh hour to buy a gun cabinet then accuse a seller of jeopardizing your chances of getting a FAC, if you react like this perhaps you shouldn't have one.
  16. Kaspersky 3.0 its stopped doing it now but last night and this morning it was going mental
  17. At the moment every page I open on THL flags up on my virus software anybody else having the same problem.
  18. I have for sale my larouna sxs, 28" barrels BLNE, full and 3/4 chokes I think, bores are spotless very tight gun. Looking for £ cert holders only f2f. Thanks Roy Based in Bristol
  19. I have a .177 Hatsan AT44-10 for sale, only on its second tin of pellets, synthetic stock, comes with two mags and its original bag of bits, Deben silencer and a MAP PRO 4-16x50. I have owned it from new and looking for £300 or £250 without scope. F2F only please may do a swap with a .22 rimfire. thanks Roy
  20. You know your getting old when you switch over to the adult channel theres a bird dressed in a little maids outfit and as she bends over to pretend to do some cleaning you think to yourself " f*ck me we used to have a vacuum cleaner exactly the same as that".
  21. I this age of health and safety im surprised you don't have moderaters on your ticket as standard, fook firing any rifle these days without one on my hearings bad enough as it is.
  22. S*H*I*T the worst thing labeled as a country fair ive ever been to, still gobsmacked how bad it was
  23. No advertising anywhere they've really done their homework, hope it turns out well for them
  24. I have a Laurona side by side BLNE 28" barrels very good condition doing nothing in the cabinet, any good to you
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